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Topic outline

  • Textbook and references

  • Assignments, quizes, and exams

    • For the provided excel sheet, it contains two sheets of energy bills. Do your analysis and write inside the sheet your conclusions and understanding. 

      Note: you are allowed to work as groups (two students per group only).

    • In this assignment, you will work individually. You have an excel sheet that includes the factory electric bills, loads list, instantaneous measures, power analyzer recorded data, and all loggers recorded data. 

      You should develop two new sheets that are:

      1. energy bills analysis.

      2. load balance.

      Please note that you must elaborate in your sheet how you worked on the analyzer and loggers data. Also, you have to clearly state any used assumption in the calculations.  

    • This exam will start at 13:30, on 15/03/2024. The exam total weight equals 30%. It consists of 13 different types of questions, including True/Fale, multiple choice, numeric questions (fill in the right answer), and descriptive questions (where you need to write your answers in clear english language).

      Exam total time equals to 60 minutes, no time extension will be offered!!

      Good luck and make sure to UNDERSTAND all of our lectures discussed concepts. 

      Note: you have 3 question with 4 marks each, and 2 questions with 5 marks each. So, put your efforts on it (22 marks as total)!!

      Another note: For each f the above mentioned 5 questions, you MUST upload the question solution seperately. Do NOT upload one paper for many questions answers. If you Don't want to upload, you can write and save your answer for each question SEPERATELY. Again, Do NOT submitt one paper contain more than one question solution.

    • Each group should submit one folder only, that contains two separate files, that are technical and financial offers. 

    • This is your final exam in energy management. Please make sure that you understand all the concepts and theory. You will have all kind of questions. Inlcuding T/F, MCQ, and quantitiative and qualititative short answrs. 

      Note: the exam is designed with strict time, it is enough, but strict. You will not have enough time to study, contact your colleagues, or wait them to send you answers. So, BE CAREFUL and use you time wisely.

      Good Luck 

  • Recorded Lectures

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