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Topic outline


  • Course overview and communication methods

    الطلبة الاعزاء

    يسعدني ان ارحب بكم في مساق التصميم و الطاقة المتجددة و هو متطلب اختياري ضمن المساقات التي تعنى بالبيئة المبنية و اسس التصميم البيئي للمباني و تشمل
    1- التحكم البيئي الحراري
    2- انارة المباني
    3- صوتيات العمارة
    4- الانظمة الداخلية في المباني
    5- التصميم و الطاقة المتجددة
    6- العمارة المستدامة
    7- العمارة الخضراء
    سيكون التعليم لهذا الفصل عن بعد و باستخدام عدة وسائل و طرق تواصل اهمها: 
    1- الموودل: يحتوي على جميع المواد التعليمية الخاصة بالمساق (المرجع المعتمد, العرض الخاص بالمحاضرات, رابط المحاضرة المسجلة, فيديوهات تعليمية مساعدة, الوظائف, الانشطة المختلفة, المحتوي و الاهداف لكل فصل
    2- تطبيق زووم: سيتم تقديم المحاضرات المتزامنة و العروض و النقاش من خلال هذا التطبيق و كما هو موضح في الجزء التالي
    3- كوسيلة للتواصل بدل الساعات المكتبية: المجموعة الخاصة بالمساق على فيسبوك, الماسينجر و الايميل

  • E Learning (zoom)

    الطلبة الاعزاء: ستكون المحاضرات المتزامنه حسب الجدول المرفق و باستخدام برنامج زووم من خلال الرابط المرفق ادناه

    Join Zoom Meeting

  • Chapter 1: Environmental Challenges

    Introduction to Environmental Challenges 
    Description :
    This chapter will give an introduction about the environmental issues facing the world. This section will introduce the students to the problems facing the world like: Global warming, climate change and limited resources 


    Objectives for this chapter are the following:

    1- Understanding the environmental challenges 
    1. Pollution: air, water and soil require millions of years to recoup
    2. Global Warming: global warming is the result of human practices
    3. Overpopulation: population of the planet is reaching unsustainable levels
    4. Natural Resource Depletion: Fossil fuel consumption
    5. Waste Disposal: consumption of resources and creation of plastics
    6. Climate Change: problem that has surfaced in last couple of decades
    7. Loss of Biodiversity: Human activity is leading to the extinction of species
    8. Deforestation: forests are natural sinks of co2, produce oxygen
    9. Ozone Layer Depletion: ozone is layer of protection around the planet
    10. Acid Rain: due to the presence of certain pollutants in the atmosphere
    11. Water Pollution: Clean drinking water is becoming a rare commodity.
    12. Urban Sprawl: migration from urban areas to low density rural areas

    2- Understanding global warming, climate change and limited resources and the role of building in this    

    Work plan:
    The work plan for this chapter will be as follow
    1. Theoretical background about environment 
    2. Powerpoin presentation
    3. Activities - see below
    watch Documentary films 



    Watch the following documentaries

    1. An Inconvenient Truth

    2. Before the Flood

  • Chapter 2: Fundamentals of energy, energy use and demand

    Description :

    This chapter will give an introduction about the energy problems facing the world. the energy use and demands as well as the available energy resourses for different places (world picture, middle east, leading nations in renewable energy, and palestine condition. then there will be an introduction about the building share in energy consumption 


    Objectives for this chapter are the following:
    1. Understanding the different energy sources 

    2. Understanding the energy use and demands 

    3. Provide the students with the possible energy alternatives  

    Work plan:
    The work plan for this chapter will be as follow
    1. Theoritical background about energy

    2. PowerPoint presentation

    3. Activities - see below

    Online activity – will be available soon



    See the PDF file below

  • Activities and project-all Thursday meetings

    During the course the students will be asked to deliver some activities related to the covered topics 

    Those activities will be applied on a certain project (below information about the project) 

    Those activities will be evaluated (20 to 30%) of the course grad. 

    Every Thursday, there will be a time dedicated to answering questions and explanation related to those activities. 


  • Chapter 3: Renewable energy - Solar energy

    Renewable energy - solar energy  
    Description :
    This chapter will introduce the renewable energy sources including; solar. and introduces the basic principles for solar gain calculation and heat transmittance in order to be used in the solar design strategies in the following chapters. moreover this chapter will introduces the basic principles of visual and thermal comfort to be taken into consideration in solar design strategies   
    objectives for this chapter are the following:
    1. understanding the renewable energy sources
    2. understanding the sun and the solar radiation
    3. understanding the sun positions and it's angles
    4. being able to do solar radiation calculation
    5. to decide the critical angles for sun position for solar design
    6. understand the basics of solar gain and its components
    7. understand the solar gain calculation formulas
    8. understand the basics of heat transmittance and heat absorption in buildings 
    9. understand the thermal and visula comfort standards
    Work plan:
    The work plan for this chapter will be as follow
    1. classes for theoretical background
    2. online activities
    3. home works


    Online activity – open the activity below

    Materials:  download the following files
    First :Use the solar tool for the sun position calculations
  • Chapter 4: Solar energy - Passive design application

    Passive design Application (shading, glazing, daylight, passive heating and cooling)
    This chapter includes: 1-The fundamentals of shading design and it's calculation. the shading type, critical dates, HSA and VSA, and shading dimension; 2-The fundamentals for glazing physical Properties (shgc, Uvalue, TL), glazing types and their effects on solar design and glazing selection; 3-Introduce the principles and the importance of daylight design and the basic calculation for daylight; 4-Introduces the design strategies for solar heating and it's application in architectural design for energy efficiency and thermal comfort in buildings; 5-Introduces the design strategies for solar cooling and it's application in architectural design for energy efficiency and thermal comfort in buildings         
    1. Understanding the relationship between sun bath and shading design
    2. Understanding how to select the suitable shading based on the time of the year and the orientation
    3. Understanding the Horizontal shading angle HSA and vertical shading angle VSH
    4. Being able to design and calculate the horizontal and vertical shading
    5. Understand the glazing material Properties
    6. Be able to choose the suitable glazing for solar design
    7. Understanding the importance of daylight design
    8. Understanding the daylight design parameters
    9. Understanding the daylight design calculation (DF and daylight level calculation)
    10. Understand the different design strategies for passive heating and cooling
    Work plan:
    The work plan for this chapter will be as follow
    1. Theoretical background for design solutions
    2. Computer calculation for daylighting (Construct a simulation model for the passive design applications including the daylight design, shading, glazing selection and passive heating and cooling, Perform a simulation for the calculation and results discussion)
    3. Lab work (a project to be handed at the end of the course)
    Online and offline activities – follow the activities below
    Find the chapter materials in the PDF files below
  • Chapter 5: Solar energy - PV and solar thermal

    Active design application(Solar water heating, PV, )


    Description :
    this chapter will introduces the solar water heating application in buildings. it will cover the fundamentals of solar water heating systems and types. it will introduces the photovoltaic technology to produce electricity from solar energy and the integration of this system in buildings 
    objectives for this chapter are the following:
    1. understand the solar water heating systems 

    2. understand the solar water heating types and the advantagies and disadvantagies for each type 

    3. understand the application of solar water heating in buildings and in architectural design

    4. understand the photovoltaic work fundamentals  

    5. understand the potential use of solar energy to produce electricity   

    6. understand the application of PV solar panels in buildings    

    Work plan:
    The work plan for this chapter will be as follow
    1. Theoritical background classes
    2. Lab work (a project to be handed at the end of the course)
    Online activity – open the activity below
    see the PDF file
  • Midterm exam

    أعزائي الطلبة:

    سيكون موعد الامتحان النصفي يوم الاثنين 11-3-2024

    سيبدا الامتحان الساعة 13:30 

    مدة الامتحان 45 دقيقة

    وزن الامتحان 30%

    عدد الاسئلة 15 (تقريبا)

    يحتوي الامتحان على اسئلة موضوعية مختلفة و اسئلة ذات اجابة محددة و اسئلة الحل

    مادة الامتحان: (الفصل الاول حتى الفصل الخامس) حتى نهاية موضوع الطاقة الشمسية Solar energy: PV and solar thermal

    لا يمكن الرجوع بين الاسئلة   

    مع تمنياتي لكم بالنجاح

  • Chapter 6 - Geothermal Energy

    Geothermal Energy
    Geothermal energy is heat energy generated and stored in the Earth. This chapter will introduce the students on how to use geothermal for building heating and cooling.      
    1. Understanding geothermal energy
    2. Understanding how to use geothermal energy in building design
    Work plan:
    The work plan for this chapter will be as follow
    1. Theoretical background
    2. Computer calculation
    3. project work (a project to be handed at the end of the course)
    Online and offline activities – follow the activities below
    Find the chapter materials in the PDF files below
  • Chapter 7 - Wind Energy

    Wind Energy
    Wind energy in buildings involves many different challenges to stand-alone wind systems. The wind turbine will generate electricity to be used in buildings. For buildings the turbines will generally be in an area of turbulence due to being in an urban environment, and this can reduce output and increase stress for turbines not designed to operate in these conditions      
    1. Understanding wind energy and the potential to use it in Palestine
    2. Understanding how to use wind energy in building design
    Work plan:
    The work plan for this chapter will be as follow
    1. Theoretical background
    2. Computer calculation
    3. project work (a project to be handed at the end of the course)
    Online and offline activities – follow the activities below
    Find the chapter materials in the PDF files below
  • Chapter 8 - Biomass Energy

    Biomass Energy
    Biomass is used for facility heating, electric power generation, and combined heat and power. The term biomass encompasses a large variety of materials, including wood from various sources, agricultural residues, and animal and human waste.      
    1. Understanding biomass energy and the potential to use it in Palestine
    2. Understanding how to use biomass energy in building design
    Work plan:
    The work plan for this chapter will be as follow
    1. Theoretical background
    2. Computer calculation
    3. project work (a project to be handed at the end of the course)
    Online and offline activities – follow the activities below
    Find the chapter materials in the PDF files below

  • Hydropower Energy

    Hydropower Energy
    Hydropower is a renewable source of energy. The energy generated through hydropower relies on the water cycle, which is driven by the sun, making it renewable. Hydropower is fueled by water, making it a clean source of energy.      
    1. Understanding hydropower energy and the potential to use it in Palestine
    2. Understanding how to use hydropower energy in building design
    Work plan:
    The work plan for this chapter will be as follow
    1. Theoretical background
    2. Computer calculation
    3. project work (a project to be handed at the end of the course)
    Online and offline activities – follow the activities below
    Find the chapter materials in the PDF files below

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