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Topic Name Description
File Course outline - Accounting 1
URL The book ( Financial Accounting IFRS edition )
URL Zoom Meeting Information

Meeting ID: 922 1411 1820

Passcode: 957965

PS: Zoom is not needed during this course unless i asked you to use it. 

Chapter 1: Accounting in action URL Lecture 1: Learning objective 1 - Accounting and users of accounting information
URL Lecture 2: Learning objective 2 - The building blocks in accounting
URL Lecture 3 : Learning objective 2 & 3 - Entity forms & accounting equation
URL Lecture 4: Learning objective 3 & 4 - Accounting equation & transaction analysis
File Word for lecture 4: learning objective 3& 4 - Accounting equation & transaction analysis
URL Lecture 5: learning objective 4 - Transaction analysis
URL Lecture 6 : learning objective 4 - transaction analysis exercises ( BE1-3 & P1-1 solution)
URL Lecture 7 : learning objective 5 - financial statements
URL Lecture 8 : learning objective 5 & exercises solution - comprehensive income statement & DO it & (E1-10)
URL Lecture 9 : exercises solutions - (BE1-3) & (E1-11)
File Additional exercises ( E1-12) & (P1-3)

These are additional exercises and their related video . You must try to solve the exercises and watch the video.

File Solution manual - chapter 1

This file contains the solution for all chapter 1 exercises. You can use it for any additional question you would like to solve.

E- lectures for chapter 1 - first semester 2023/2024 URL Date : 3.10.2023 @1:00 am - introduction to moodle & Transaction analysis
URL Date : 3.10.2023 @10:00 am - introduction to moodle & financial statements
URL Date : 9.10.2023 @9:30 am - exercises solution ( P1-1 & E1-10)
URL Date : 10.10.2023 @10:00 am - Financial statements & exercises solution ( P1-1 )
URL Date : 10.10.2023 @1:00 pm - Financial statements & exercises solution ( P1-1 ) (copy)
Chapter 2: The recording process URL Lecture 1 : learning objective 1 & 2 - describe account/Dr/Cr/Journal and how they are used in the recording process
File Excel for lecture 1 : learning objective 1 & 2 - describe account/Dr/Cr/Journal and how they are used in the recording process
URL Lecture 2 : learning objective 2 - Journalising
File Excel for lecture 2 : learning objective 2 - Journalising
URL Lecture 3 : learning objective 3 - Posting
File PPT for lecture 3 : learning objective 3 - posting
File Excel for lecture 3 : learning objective 3 - posting
URL Lecture 4 : learning objective 4 - Trial balance & solution for E2-15
File Excel for lecture 4 : learning objective 4 - Trial balance & solution for E2-15
URL Lecture 5 : Exercises solution ( E2-16 & P2-4)

File Excel for lecture 5 : Exercises solution ( E2-16 & P2-4)
URL Lecture 6 : Exercises solution ( E2-17)
File Excel for lecture 6: Exercises solution ( E2-17)
URL Additional video for exercises solution (E2-11 & E2-13 & E2-14 & P2-3 )
File Solution manual - chapter 2

This file contains the solution for all chapter 2 exercises. You can use it for any additional question you would like to solve.

E-lectures for chapter 2 - first semester 2023/2024 URL Date: 11/10/2023 @ 9:30 - The account , debit , credit
URL Date : 12/10/2023 @10 a.m - the account, debit and credit
URL Date: 12/10/2023 @1:00 pm - account , debit & credit
URL Date : 15/10/2013 @ 10:00 A.M & 1:00 P.M - Journalising
URL Date : 16/10/2013 @ 9:30 A.M - Journalising & posting
URL Date : 17/10/2023 - 10:00 A.M & 1:00 PM - posting
URL Date : 22/10/2023 @ 10:00 A.M & 1:00 PM - Posting and chart of accounts
URL Extra lecture - Date: 17/10/2023 @8:30 PM
URL Date : 23/10/2023 @ 9:30 A.M - posting and chart of accounts
URL Date : 24/10/2023 @ 10 A.M & 1:00 PM - Trial balance
URL Date : 24/10/2023 @ 8:00 p.m - exercises solution ( E2-15 & P2-4)

  ملاحظة : هذه محاضرة تعويض لشعب ايام احد ثلاثاء خميس ( شعبة 10:00 & شعبة 1:00 ) 

URL Date : 25/10/2023 @ 9:30 AM - Exercise E2-17
URL Date : 29/10/2023 @ 10:00 AM & 1:00 PM - Exercise E2-17
URL Date : 30/10/2023 @ 9:30 A.M - Trial balance
URL Date : 31/10/2023 @ 10:00 A.M & 1:00 PM - Solution for P2-4
URL Date : 4/11/2023 @ 8:00 PM - Solution for E2-15 & P2-4

ملاحظة : هذه محاضرة تعويض لشعبة اثنين اربعاء 9:30 - 11:00 

File excel file for Chapter 2 - Transaction analysis , journalizing, posting , trial balance
File excel file - solution for E2-15 & E2-17 & P2-4
File Solution manual - chapter 2
Chapter 3: Adjusting the accounts URL Lecture 1: learning objective 1 - Accrual basis of accounting & (E3-3)
File Word file for lecture 1 : learning objective 1 - Accrual basis of accounting & (E3-3)

URL Lecture 2: learning objective 1 & 2 - Types of adjusting entries & deferrals (supplies and prepaid insurance)
File Word file for lecture 2 : learning objective 1 & 2 - Types of adjusting entries & deferrals (supplies & prepaid insurance )

URL Lecture 3: learning objective 2 - deferrals (supplies & prepaid insurance & depreciation)
File Word file for lecture 3 : learning objective 2 - deferrals ( supplies & prepaid insurance & depreciation)

URL Lecture 4: learning objective 2 & 3 - deferrals (depreciation & unearned rev ) & accruals ( accrued revenue)
File Word file for lecture 4: learning objective 2 & 3 - deferrals (depreciation & unearned rev ) & accruals ( accrued revenue)

URL Lecture 5: learning objective 3 - accruals ( accrued expense - interest )
File PPT file for lecture 5 : learning objective 3 - learning objective 3 - accruals ( accrued expense - interest)

File Word file for lecture 5: learning objective 3 - accruals ( accrued expense - interest)

URL Lecture 6: learning objective 3 & 4 - accruals ( Accrued expense - salaries and wages ) & adjusted trial balance & Financial statements
File Word file for lecture 6: learning objective 3 & 4- accruals ( Accrued expense - salaries and wages ) & adjusted trial balance & Financial statements

URL Lecture 7: Exercises solutions ( E3-12 & P3-1)
File Word file for lecture 7 : Exercises solutions ( E3-12 & P3-1)

URL Lecture 8: Exercises solutions ( P3-1 & P3-3)
File Word file for lecture 8 : Exercises solutions ( P3-1 & P3-3)

URL Lecture 9: Exercises solutions ( P3-3 & E3-11)
File Excel file for lecture 9 : Exercises solutions (P3-3 & E3-11)

URL Extra videos : E3-5 solution
URL Extra videos : E3-7 solution
URL Extra videos : P3-2 solution
File Solution manual - chapter 3
E-lectures for chapter 3 - First semester 2023/2024 URL Date: 11/5/2023 @ 10:00 A.M & 1:00 PM - Fiscal and calender year
URL Date: 6/11/2023 @ 9:30 A.M - Fiscal and calendar year
URL Date: 8/11/2023 @ 9:30 A.M - Accrual VS cash basis & Solution for E3-3
URL Date: 12/11/2023 @ 10:00 AM & 1:00 PM - period assumption & Accrual VS cash basis
URL Date: 13/11/2023 @ 9:30 AM - the need for adjusting entries & adjusting entry for supplies ( deferrals)
URL Date: 14/11/2023 @ 8:00 PM - Solution for E3-3 & the need for adjusting entries & adjusting entry for supplies ( deferrals)

ملاحظة : هذه محاضرة تعويض لشعب احد/ ثلاثاء/ خميس  ( الساعة 10:00 + الساعة 1:00 ) 

URL Date: 19/11/2023 @ 7:00 PM - adjusting entry for prepaid insurance ( deferrals)

ملاحظة : هذه محاضرة تعويض لشعب احد/ ثلاثاء/ خميس  ( الساعة 10:00 + الساعة 1:00 ) 

URL Date: 20/11/2023 @ 9:30 AM & 8:OO PM - adjusting entry for prepaid insurance ( deferrals)

URL Date: 21/11/2023 @ 10:OO AM & 1:00 PM - adjusting entry for Depreciation ( deferrals)

URL Date: 22/11/2023 @ 9:3O AM - adjusting entry for Depreciation ( deferrals)

URL Date: 25/11/2023 @ 10:3O AM - adjusting entry for Depreciation+ unearned revenue ( deferrals)

ملاحظة: هذه محاضرة تعويض لشعبة احد/ ثلاثاء / خميس ( الساعة 10:00 + الساعة 1:00) 

URL Date: 26/11/2023 @ 10:00 AM + 1:00 PM - adjusting entry for unearned revenue ( deferrals) +Accrued revenues ( Accruals)


URL Date: 27/11/2023 @ 9:30 A.M - adjusting entry for unearned revenue ( deferrals) +Accrued revenues ( Accruals)


URL Date: 28/11/2023 @ 9:30 A.M - adjusting entry for Accrued revenues + Accrued interest expense ( Accruals(

المحاضرة الاضافية لشعبة اثنين اربعاء  

URL Date: 3/12/2023 @ 10:00 A.M & 1:00 PM - adjusting entry for Accrued revenues + Accrued interest expense ( Accruals)

URL Date: 4/12/2023 @ 9:30 A.M - adjusting entry for Accrued interest expense & accrued salaries and wages expense ( Accruals)

URL Date: 5/12/2023 @ 10:00 A.M & 1:00 PM - adjusting entry for Accrued interest expense & accrued salaries and wages expense ( Accruals)

File Word file for chapter 3
URL Date : 6/12/2023 @ 9:30 A.M - solution for P3-1 & Adjusted trial balance
URL Date : 7/12/2023 @ 10:00 A.M & 1:00 PM - solution for P3-1 & Adjusted trial balance
URL Date : 10/12/2023 @ 10:00 A.M & 1:00 PM - Financial statements

الرجاء مشاهدة اول 17 دقيقة من الفيديو فقط .

URL Date : 13/12/2023 @ 9:30 A.M - Financial statements

الرجاء مشاهدة اول 24 دقيقة من الفيديو فقط .

File Excel sheet for P3-1 solution & financial statements
File Solution manual - chapter 3
Chapter 4: Completing the accounting cycle URL lecture 1 : learning objective 2 - closing entries and post closing trial balance & E4-7
File Word file for lecture 1 : learning objective 2 - closing entries and post closing trial balance
URL lecture 2 : learning objective 3 - completing the accounting cycle and preparing correcting entries
File Word file for lecture 2: : learning objective 3 - completing the accounting cycle and preparing correcting entries
URL lecture 3 : Solution for P4-1
File Word file for lecture 3 : P4-1
URL Extra video : Comprehensive case study - Accounting cycle steps ( Adjustment, adjusted trial balance , financial statements preparation, closing entires and post-closing trial balance )
E-lectures for chapter 4 - first semester 2023/2024 URL Date : 10/12/2023 @ 10:00 A.M & 1:00 P.M - Closing entries

الرجاء مشاهدة الفيديو ابتداء من الدقيقة 16 .

URL Date : 12/12/2023 @ 10:00 A.M & 1:00 P.M - Closing entries & Post closing trial balance & solution for e4-7

URL Date : 13/12/2023 @ 9:30 A.M- Closing entries & Post closing trial balance & solution for E4-7

الرجاء مشاهدة الفيديو ابتداء من الدقيقة 24 

File Excel file for E4-7 solution
URL Date: 14/12/2023 @ 10:00 A.M & 1:00 PM - the accounting cycle and correcting entries
URL Date: 17/12/2023 @ 10:00 A.M & 1:00 PM - correcting entries / second quiz/ E3-17
URL Date: 18/12/2023 @ 9:30 A.M- correcting entries / second quiz/ E3-17
File word file for chapter 4
Chapter 5: Accounting for merchendising operations File Case study on perpetual and periodic inventory systems
URL Lecture 1 : describe merchandising operations and inventory systems & sales and purchase transactions on account
URL Lecture 2: recording purchase on account/ sales on account / fright cost / sales & purchase return and allowance using perpetual & periodic systems
URL lecture3: purchase discount & COGS calculation
File Lecture 3 file
File excel file for lecture 1 & 2 & 3 : describe merchandising operations and inventory systems entries & COGS
URL Additional lecture : COGS and P5-1
File Word file for lecture 3 : P5-1
E-lectures for chapter 5 - first semester 2023/2024 File Word file for chapter 5
URL Date: 19/12/2023 @ 10:00 A.M & 1:00 P.M - introduction ( difference between service companies and merhcendising companies)

ملاحظة : يبدأ شرح شابتر 5 من الدقيقة 24:00

URL Date: 21/12/2023 @ 10:00 A.M & 1:00 P.M - introduction ( difference between periodic and perpetual systems)
URL Date: 20/12/2023 @ 9:30 A.M - introduction ( difference between service companies and merchandising companies/ difference between periodic and perpetual systems)

ملاحظة : يبدأ شرح شابتر 5 من الدقيقة 21:00

URL Date : 23/12/2023 - perpetual and periodic entries & income statement under both systems

ملاحظة : هذه المحاضرة لجميع الشعب سواء شعب احد /ثلاثاء / خميس او محاضرات اثنين / اربعا .

و هي محاضرة اساسية تشرح جميع القيود لشابتر 5 

File Excel file for chapter 5
URL extra lecture : solution for P5-1

File Word file for P5-1 solution
YouTube channel URL YouTube channel

هذا اللينك خاص بقناة على اليوتيوب , تحتوي على فيديوهات تم تصويرها من قبل الاستاذة اية دحبور لشرح شابتر 3 & 4& 5

 . بامكانك مشاهدتها و الاستعانة بها .

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