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This theory came around in the 1980s from dr. William and what he suggests it is Theory Z is really all about creating a work environment where people feel like they have stable employment and it really produces high productivity and high employee morale and satisfaction.  It isn't that really what we want as leaders so really being a leader recognizing that you have the power to influence each person's ability to have significant job satisfaction which generally leads to greater levels of productivity and and more profitability; ultimately, want to keep your employees happy, so focus on these 7 seven things so :

1- Focus on long term employment and help people feel like they've got job security الأمان الوظيفي
2- Collective responsibility that means putting people ultimately accountability المسائله.
3- Make sure that you have implicit informal control with explicit formalized measures and really make sure that you're putting the right controls in place to help people be successful and a little bit autonomy.
4- Collective decision-making you know more voices and input in making final decisions really can help leaders  see what they don't know and make the best decisions possible.
5- Slow evaluation and promotion grown people to become masters at what they do help people be successful and then help move them into higher levels of the organization so that people can watch their peers grow and themselves grow within the organization.
6- Moderately specialized careers so people truly need to become experts in what they do and help them feel good about doing what they do and help them see how what they do makes a positive difference and
7- Concern for the total person including their families so you are not hiring robots you're hiring people have lives outside of the workplaces.

there you go that's Theory Z in a nutshell I hope you've taken something away from this a value that helps you be a more effective leader and employee
thank you so much, have a great day because only you get to choose how you feel about it
Dr. Paul Gerhardt from Pierce College.
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