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  • 7. Formal & Informal Organizations

    التنظيم الرسمي: هو التنظيم المعلن والمكتوب وهو مخطط له.
    - اما التنظيم الغير رسمي: هو التنظيم الخفي في الظل وهو التنظيم المطبق فعليا ( كيف تتم الامور في المؤسسه) يطلق علية مصطلح الشللية يمكن ان يكون عفوي ويمكن ان يخطط له

    Formal Organization:

    is formed when two or more persons come together. They have a common objective or goal. They are willing to work together to achieve this similar objective.

    is also a fixed set of rules of intra-organization procedures and structures. As such,it is usually set out in writing, explicit, with a language of rules that ostensibly leave little discretion for interpretation. In some societies and in some organization, such rules may be strictly followed; in others, they may be little more than an empty formalism.

    Informal Organization:

    exists within the formal organisation. An informal organisation is a network of personal and social relationships. People working in a formal organisation meet and interact regularly. They work, travel, and eat together. Therefore, they become good friends and companions. There are many groups of friends in a formal organisation. These groups are called informal organisation.

    An informal organisation does not have its own rules and regulation. It has no system of co-ordination and authority. It doesn't have any superior-subordinate relationship nor any specific and well-defined objectives. Here in informal organisation, communication is done through the grapevine.

    The relationship between Formal and Informal Org. Structure
    In an organization the formal and the informal aspects both need each other. And as the author so well wrote it,

    “Order and opportunism, policy and good judgment, goals and passions, strategic plans and a sense of belonging – head to heart”.

  • Chapter Zero

  • T1 Organization Effectiveness.

  • T2 Org Stakeholders Manager & Ethics

  • T3 Org. Design Challenges

  • T4 Org-Structure Authority-Control

  • T5 Organization Culture "Org. Dynamics"

  • 6 Org. Environment "Org. Dynamics"

  • OD Process - Action Research

  • OD Practitioner, Change Agent

  • Resilient Org المؤسسة المنيعة

  • 11 Change Mgmt Kurt Lewin's 3 steps Model

  • 12 Change Mgmt Burke-Litwin

  • 13 Change Mgmt Kotter's Model

  • 14 ADKAR Change Model

  • Other Change Mgmt Models

  • Next Generation Org

  • Diffusion of Innovation

  • Quizzes

  • Section 19

  • Assignments

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