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  • Chapter Zero

    Organizational Development & CHANGE Mgmt. 10676230

    "Socially Interactive Participation in Meaning Making" MIP-MM

    "Massive Adaptive Interactive Learning" MAIL  

    Competency-Based Education

    Theory%20and%20Practice.jpg img_bezpecnost_kvalita_01-velka.jpg

     ID:  8228218416  Tuesdays & Wednesdays  9:30-11:00  FB Group 

    Learning Contract:  It is very imperative to carefully read and constantly go back to the learning contractخارطة الطريق

    Facebook  MYA-OD


     ID:  8228218416  Tuesdays & Wednesdays  9:30-11:00  FB Group MYA-OD  

    Learning Contract:  It is very imperative to carefully read and constantly go back to the learning contract

    Constructor. Maher ARAFAT,  


    Course Overview:.

    Organization development (OD) is an effort that focuses on improving an organization’s capability through the alignment of strategy, structure, people, rewards, metrics, and management processes. It is a science-backed, interdisciplinary field rooted in psychology, culture, innovation, social sciences, adult education, human resource management, change management, organization behavior, and research analysis and design, among others.

    Organization development involves an ongoing, systematic, long-range process of driving organizational effectiveness, solving problems, and improving organizational performance. It is also one of the capabilities identified in the Talent Development Capability Model.   ATD Association for Talented Development

    Organizational Development & Change Management is intended to help you think strategically about org. development as a planned change in a total system by aiding you in improving your org. analytical, design redesign, implementation and evaluation skills within a managerial and IT setting. We will look at a set of "good practices" or guidelines that have been derived from both research and experience, give you the opportunity to put those guidelines into practice, and provide you with feedback on your work to help you strengthen your abilities. More often than not, we will be using a workshop format that will rely heavily on discussion and in-class exercises .

    Instructional Methodology

    Based on the principle of “Learning by Doing”, we will try to adopt the constructionist methodology and learner centered approach of instruction in an interactive learning environment مش محاضرات. This online course, will provide the learners with the opportunity to construct his/her own knowledge about business communication and will stress on the fact that “The learner is responsible for his own learning”, therefore the learners are encourages to change their learning attitudes and styles to develop skills to diagnose and solve their educational problems. To this end, we believe that, Critical Thinking and Self-Reflection skills, the writing student learning portfolio is appropriate for the students to reflect on their learning, therefore; it is required by all students to demonstrate their learning progress by reflecting on their own learning profile in a google doc., they can invite members to aid and participate in discussion. The work on the portfolio will be part of the learner’s final grade, as an additional assessment tool.

    Learning e-Portfolio: is simply a tool intended to helps learners to reflect and document all their skills and constructed meanings acquired through his learning experiences also to present his accomplishments, in another words, “The Learning Portfolio is a purposeful collection of student work that exhibits the student’s efforts and progress and provide an evidence of the knowledge a learner has actually achieved

    Learning Resources:

    Organizational Theory, Design and Change, Gareth R. Jones, 7th edition PEARSON- Organization Development

     - Change Mgmt Anna Univ.   Yasmee n Haider 

     - Organization Development The process of Leading Organizational Change, Donald L. Anderson 4th Edition, SAGE

    - Organizational Behavior by Stephen P. Robbins  Timothy A. Judge 18th Edition

    Learning Objectives:     By the time you complete ODC, learners should be able to 


    1- Demonstrate an understanding of the fundamental knowledge required in organizational development &  change mgmt.

    2- Utilize ICT to come up with innovative interventions and solutions to gain & sustain org. effectiveness and strategic advantages.

    3- Distinguish the group dynamics in ODC as a counter resistance to change in organizations.
    4- Come up with metrics to measure org. performance. CSF, KPI
    5- Value the importance of 2.0 collaborative tools in their teamwork.
    6- Practice  Action Research in studying a local organization as their course project .

    Method of Delivery             (Socially Interactive Participation in Meaning Making)

    This course will adapt an educational philosophy and method of delivery that shifts the course activities towards learning and learners centered activities to meet the learners' learning needs. the goal of this method of delivery is not to cover a premeditated, predefined limited blocks of material (Text Based Delivery), nor to cover a material determined by the class instructor to be delivered in a limited period of time; rather,  The Competency-Based Education CBE is the main objective In this course, we believe in the Learner Created Content LCC approach to provide the learners with the opportunity to be autonomous and responsible to identify and meet their learning needs by working collaboratively in groups to create the required value.
    The diverse course topics will produce diverse levels of anxiety among students which I anticipate to deal with by providing guidance, and lots of skill building activities to support a more open relation; moreover, at the end of the semester, the student will have to plan and conduct a workshop to present their work (Community Based group projects). We will also follow a similarly creative assessment measures to assess the learners work.
    Optional Assessment scheme :
    Please check the criteria for success ... The Rubric: to be posted
    - Teams Created Content on the web. %
    - English language and Communication skills. %
    - Collaboration and team working %
    - Presentation skills. % 
    - Attitudes ( Affection, Cognition, Behavior) %
    - Self-Evaluation, Learning Journal and personal e-Portfolio on Wikispace : %

    - OD Workshop / Community Based Project  (Development Opportunities and Challenges facing Local Organizations) %
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