تخطى إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
الصفحة الرئيسية
  • 16. Next Generation Org

    The Transformation of the next generation organization  

    - On Demand Economy   -     Mobile Businesses.    -  Cross-Border Employment.   Digital Nomads

    - Mobile Payment ... Mobile Digital Wallets   -   New Businesses based on Micro-Payment Systems. 

    Angela Wang: How China is changing the future of shopping                                                                    Arabic Translation

    China is a huge laboratory of innovation, says retail expert Angela Wang, and in this lab, everything takes place on people's phones. Five hundred million Chinese consumers -- the equivalent of the combined populations of the US, UK and Germany -- regularly make purchases via mobile platforms, even in brick-and-mortar stores. What will this transformation mean for the future of shopping? Learn more about the new business-as-usual, where everything is ultra-convenient, ultra-flexible and ultra-social.

    Angela Wang · Retail expert

    BCG's Angela Wang works with a broad range of clients in China on strategy formulation, business development and operational excellence.

  • Chapter Zero

  • T1 Organization Effectiveness.

  • T2 Org Stakeholders Manager & Ethics

  • T3 Org. Design Challenges

  • T4 Org-Structure Authority-Control

  • T5 Organization Culture "Org. Dynamics"

  • 6 Org. Environment "Org. Dynamics"

  • Formal & Informal Organizations

  • OD Process - Action Research

  • OD Practitioner, Change Agent

  • Resilient Org المؤسسة المنيعة

  • 11 Change Mgmt Kurt Lewin's 3 steps Model

  • 12 Change Mgmt Burke-Litwin

  • 13 Change Mgmt Kotter's Model

  • 14 ADKAR Change Model

  • Other Change Mgmt Models

  • Diffusion of Innovation

  • Quizzes

  • Section 19

  • Assignments

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