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استعراض قاموس المصطلحات باستعمال الفهرس

خاص | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | أ | إ | آ | ا | ب | ت | ث | ج | ح | خ | د | ذ | ر | ز | س | ش | ص | ض | ط | ظ | ع | غ | ف | ق | ك | ل | م | ن | ه | و | ي | الكل




بواسطة Saturday، 19 February 2022، 2:32 PM - همسه سامر عبد المجيد ابو خرمه _

Aquaporins (AQP) are integral membrane proteins that serve as channels in the transfer of water, and in some cases, small solutes across the membrane.They are conserved in bacteria, plants, and animals.



ABC Type of ATPase

بواسطة Saturday، 12 March 2022، 7:22 AM - منى امين سعد الدين صدر _
The ATP-binding cassette transporters (ABC transporters) are a transport system,ABC transporters often consist of multiple subunits, one or two of which are transmembrane proteins and one or two of which are membrane-associated AAA ATPases
transporters are also involved in multiple drug resistance, and this is how some of them were first identified. When the ABC transport proteins are overexpressed in cancer cells, they can export anticancer drugs and render tumors resistant



alternating conformation model

بواسطة Sunday، 20 February 2022، 12:31 PM - حلا خالد محمود صالح _

states that a carrier protein is allosteric protein and alternates between two conformational states 


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