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  • 5. Bus. Vision & Mission

    mission statement : focuses on today and what an organization does to achieve it.

    vision statement: focuses on tomorrow and what an organization wants to ultimately become. 

    Chapter Objectives: 

    1- What Do We Want to Become?
    2- What is Our Business?
    3- Importance of Vision and Mission
    4- Characteristics of a Mission Statement
    5- Mission Statement Components
    6- Writing and Evaluating Mission Statements

    1- Describe the nature and role of vision and mission statements in strategic management.
    2- Discuss why the process of developing a mission statement is as important as the resulting document
    3- Identify the components of mission statements.
    4- Discuss how clear vision and mission statements can benefit other strategic-management activities.
    5- Evaluate mission statements of different organizations.
    6- Write good vision and mission statements.


    The Importance Of Vision & Mission Statement:
    1. The vision and mission statements define the purpose of the organization

    2. The mission statement provides the direction that is to be followed by the organization (strategy).

    3. It helps to properly align the resources of an organization towards achieving a successful future.

    4. The mission statement provides the organization with a clear and effective guide for making decisions.

    5. The vision and mission statements provide a focal point that helps to align everyone with the organization, thus ensuring that everyone is working towards a single purpose. This helps to increase efficiency and productivity in the organization.

    Example of Good & Bad vision and Mission statement:


    The two most important things that must be present in the vision and mission statement:

    • Ensure that the mission and vision statement are clear and easy to understand.

    • The mission and vision should align with the core values and principles of the company . They should reflect what the company stands for and what it believes in.

     Characteristics that must be present in the vision and mission statements :                                

    • inspiration: The vision should be inspirational ملهمه and ambitious , motivating employees and stakeholders to work towards a common goal.

    • Relevance: The mission and vision should be relevant to the industry and market in which the company operates

    • Long-Term Perspective: A good vision should have a long-term perspective, looking ahead several years or even decades.

    • Flexibility: While a vision should be long-term, it should also allow for some flexibility to adapt to changing circumstances and opportunities in the market

    The values statement reflects the organization's core principles and ethics. 

     It can be clarified in these questions.:

    • What do we stand for?

    •  What behaviors do we value over all else?

    •  How will we conduct our activities to achieve our mission and vision?

    • How do we treat members of our own organization and community?

    Overview of the Strategic Planning Process,

    By Erica Olsen,

  • Introduction

  • 1. Overview of Strategic Mgmt.

  • External Audit EFE-CPM

  • Internal Audit IFE

  • 5 Types of Strategies in Action

  • 6 Strategy Generation & Selection

  • 7. Implementing Mgmt Operations HR Issues

  • 8. Implementing Strategies

  • 9 Strategy Evaluation

  • Inhouse vs. Outside Strategy Consultancy

  • Blue Ocean Strategy

  • IT Enabled Strategic Mgmt.

  • Quizzes

  • Assignments

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