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Folder Learning Resources

Reading Resources.  

Folder Recorded Meetings and Lectures

Chapter 0

1. Overview of Strategic Mgmt. Folder Opening Case: 5 Guys Enterprises

Five Guys Grill, Headquartered in Lorton, Virginia

has grown every year for 30 years and still is growing, Thanks to excellent strategic 

management and great hamburgers served with all the peanut you can eat.

Jerry Murrel, Founder and CEO of Five Guys, Burgers & Fries

Folder Recorded Meetings & Lectures

The following are links to recorded meetings for your reference on the subject ....  

1- Overview of Strategic Management:  The Nature of Strategic Management:

 Key Terms: competitive advantages, Vision & Mission, Policy, Objectives, Financial & non financial benefits, Pitfalls & benefits of strat. mgmt.



Integrating Intuition & Analysis

Folder David & David Videos

Chapter 1.  Overview of Strategic Management ... Important concepts and terminologies 

Folder Learning Resources - Fred David

Vision & Mission Folder Recorded Meetings and Lectures

Action Planning ...  

Folder More Videos to Learn

Strategic Planning,      a Process made easy.

الرؤيا و الرسالة في الشركة يجب ان تمثل هدف و غاية سامية يستعد الجميع ان يبذلوا من وقتهم و جهدهم و يضحوا في سبيل تحقيق هذا الهدف السامي سيمن سنك يحدد 3 مواضيع يجب ان تتحقق ... يمكنكم اكتشافها في هذا الفيديو
a Vision, a Mission or simply a Just Cause: By Simon
3 Things that Make a MEANINGFUL Vision | Simon Sinek
Whether you call it a vision, mission, or Just Cause - in order to be worthy of usage, it must be these three things: -
1- Resilient: able to withhold cultural or economic change - المناعه 
2- Inclusive: put into words that inspire us -    الشموليه
3- Service-oriented:    Directly connected with customers NEEDS تقديم الخدمات 
the primary benefactor cannot be the contributor,
- Customer Service. - Customer Satisfaction.  - Customer Happiness.
  المرونه في التأقلم مع البيئة الداخلية و الخارجية
و الشمولية يؤمن بها جميع الموظفين و يساهمون في تحقيقها
و التركيز على تقديم الخدمة و التحقيق المنفعة للاخرين ... و ليس لتحقيق مصلحة ذاتية

Look how Adriana can explain the difference

don’t let these statements gather dust

Now lets join Erica Olsen on how to Write a Vision Statement.


Good & Bad examples of vision statements

شركتك عندها رسالة  ...  ماهر قدرة

External Audit EFE-CPM Folder Recorded Meetings & Lectures

External Factors by David & David

Introducing External Audit & Excel template to help you in the process of analyzing and quantifying the internal and external factors. 

PPT The process of External Audit

External Factors Evaluation matrix & Competitive Profile Matrix... EFE & CPM analytical tools


Competitive Intelligence Program


Folder Learning Resources & Zoom Meetings

1- Business 2 You .....  External Macro Factors

2- Michael Porter's 5 Forces

File Free Excel Student Template Version 16.1.6

Image result for excel This Template should save you considerable time and allow for your presentation to be more professional.  Do not mistake this Template for doing all of the work. Your assignment is to analyze and present strategies for the next three years.  You will still need to do the research and enter key internal and external information into the Template.  The Template does not gather or prioritize information.  It does however assimilate information you enter in a professional way and does many calculations for you once that critical information is entered.  Refer to the David & David textbook for conceptual guidelines for developing all matrices and analyses included in this Template.  Best of luck with your project.  

Internal Audit IFE Folder Learning Resources & Zoom Meetings

Internal Factors  by David & David


Introducing The internal Audit 1

Internal Assessment -- Overview


Distinctive Competencies vs Competitive Advantages

الميزة التنافسية مقابل الكفاءة التمييزية


1- Resource-Based View RBV also   Integrating Strategy & Culture ( Physical, Human & Organizational ) Reem

3- Integrating Strategy & management ( Constructive Alignment)   Abrar

4- Integrating Strategy & Marketing ( Constructive Alignment)   Dania


5 Types of Strategies in Action Folder Learning Resources & ZOOM Meetings


2- Integrative Strategies ...   Growth & aggressive strategies   المربع 1 استراتيجيات النمو


Business Diversification ...  Gregg Learning

3- Defensive Strategies - Turnaround Strategies ...    المربع 4 استراتيجيات التصفية و البقاء 

4- Intensive Strategies   Differentiation Strategies  المربع 3  استراتيجيات التميز 

5- Diversification Strategies   المربع 2 استراتيجيات التنوع 

6 Strategy Generation & Selection Folder Learning Resources & Zoom Meetings

Porter's Generic Strategies MindTools           

1- Cost Leader   2- Differentiation     3- Focus 

According to Michael Porter, strategies allow organizations to gain competitive advantage from three different bases:

1-Low-Cost leadership,   2- Differentiation, 3- Focus.

Porter calls these bases generic strategies.

1- Low-Cost leadership emphasizes producing standardized products at a very low per-unit cost for consumers who are price-sensitive. Two alternative types of cost leadership strategies can be defined.

Type 1 is a low-cost strategy that offers products or services to a wide range of customers at the lowest price available on the market.

Type 2 is a best-value strategy that offers products or services to a wide range of customers at the best price-value available on the market. The best value strategy aims to offer customers a range of products or services at the lowest price available compared to a rival's products with similar attributes.

2- Differentiation is a strategy aimed at producing products and services considered unique industry-wide and directed at consumers who are relatively price-insensitive.

3- Low-cost focus strategy offers products or services to a small range of customers at the lowest price available on the market. A best-value focus strategy offers products or services to a small range of customers at the best price-value available on the market.


2- BCG matrix


Michael Porter's 5 Forces Model


  MYA strategies and actions to face the 5 forces of Michael Porter  


3- SWOT & TOWS  by  Tine Wade --->  The purpose of TOWS is to come up with strategic options based on the findings in the SWOT.  

4 Porter's Generic Strategies

5- BCG SPACE Grand

6- Strategic Position Action Evaluation  SPACE


7- Org Audit, Strategy Choices & Michael Porter

7. Implementing Mgmt Operations HR Issues Folder Learning Resources - David & David

Folder Lectures, Meetings and MORE

1- Implementing Strategy ...; Putting Words into Action ...


Putting your plan (words) into action...  تطبيق الخطة

Management - Operations - Human Resources HR


8. Implementing Strategies Folder Learning Resources

Folder Lectures, Meetings and MORE

Putting words into ACTION ... Successfully implement our Plan

Review, Monitoring, Measuring, Evaluation and Control ------> Sustainability and Competitive POsition
9 Strategy Evaluation Folder Learning Resources


Inhouse vs. Outside Strategy Consultancy Folder Inhouse or outside consultancy

What is strategic planning?

Strategic planning is used to set an organization’s goal and priorities, focus its energy and resources on achieving these goals, and ensure that an organization’s employees are working in the same direction towards achieving the same goals. Strategic planning can be considered quite challenging for both small or large organizations. To achieve the goal of planning and implementing the the strategy; some choose an in-house team of strategists, others rely on external consultants

However, some organizations skip the whole process of strategic planning which is the worst.

Internal Vs. External Strategists:

Blue Ocean Strategy Folder Learning resources & Zoom Meetings



IT Enabled Strategic Mgmt. Folder IT Enabled Strategic Mgmt.

“This book will help readers think of IT as more than a tool, and explains how it can be used as a fundamental element of strategy formulation and implementation”, says Dr. Walters. Research results on specific market enhancements, information management for decision making, inter-organizational efficiencies, the importance of maintaining crucial relationships, and broader societal and global ramifications تداعيات مجتمعية وعالمية أوسع are presented and the book encourages continued deliberate cross-fertilization in these critical research areas at a very strategic point in history. Although parallel development continues, globalization and technological advances have set the stage for the convergence of these fields in a number of arenas, such as:

  1. Perspectives on IT-Enabled Strategic Management,
  2. Processes and Capabilities,
  3. Technology and Tools,
  4. Inter-Organizational and Global Implications.

IT-Enabled Strategic Management: Increasing Returns for the Organization, Prof. Bruce A. Walters & Prof. Zaiyong Tang (Louisiana Tech University, USA). Idea Books, Hershey (PA), USA, 328 pages, 2006.

ISBN: 1-59140-908-X, US$94.95 h/c
ISBN: 1-59140-909-8, US$79.95 s/c
eISBN: 1-59140-910-1; US$63.96 *E-Book price available on IGI Web site only***0167-5265/ 

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