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  • Introduction

    IT Enabled Strategic Management 106 76 410 

    Dear students, this course will be delivered in Competency-Based Learning CBE, Strategy

    Zoom meetings:  ID 822 821 8416  

    Course Description

    The unprecedented gains in information systems/technology capabilities, the rapid globalization of a range of industries and the ever-increasing need for timely, relevant strategic information in complex, hyper-competitive environments have set the stage for new challenges concerning research in strategic management and information systems alike; Therefor, this course aims to provide learners with the opportunity to acquire Knowledge, Skills, Attitudes, Values and Ethics (KSAVE) to construct clear comprehension and skills on fundamental principles and concepts of strategic management with emphasis on information systems and information technologies. Learners will be able to analyze business environment to effectively integrating technology, management, structure, culture and Formulate, Implement and Evaluate strategic plan to face contemporary business challenges to create and sustain strategic advantages.

    Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO's)

    Student Outcomes 


    - Identify fundamental knowledge of concepts, principles of management models in strategic planning.


    30 %

    - Analyze the digital business organization environment and needs to compete in a global context.


    25 %

    - Identify technical needs for effective contribution in strategy formulation, implementation & evaluation.  ( business processes, infrastructure and IS to meet desired needs.


    25 %

    - Ability to communicate effectively in collaborative environment.

    D, F

    20 %

    Main Text Books:  see Learning Resources folder to download

    1- Strategic Management: Concepts and cases, David & David, 16th Global Edition,

    2- The Strategic Management of Information Systems, Joe Peppard, John Ward, 

    3-  IT-Enabled Strategic Management:

    4- Strategic Analytics, Integrating Management Science and Strategy, Martin Kunc, 

    5- Blue Ocean Strategy, W. Chan, Renee Mauborgne, Harvard Business Review 

         You can enjoy the author's videos on his YOUTUBE channels   YouTube.gif


    Text Book Website:  Strategy Club     

     Author's website that has great resources for students. cases, tools, readings          The URL is www.strategyclub.comRelated image

    Course Contract & Road-Map   خارطة الطريق

    Strategic Management Digital Enterprise    Course Contract and Road-Map

    In this file you'll find the road-map that explains all the topic, quizzes, tests, and assignments clearly identified by weeks and dates.    


    Supplemental Readings:  IT-Enabled Strategic Management: Click to Download

    Bruce Walters & Zaiyong Tang, Louisiana Tech University, IT-Enabled Strategic Management: Increasing Returns for the Organization, "This book makes an effort to explore the interaction of information technology and strategic management.

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