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الصفحة الرئيسية

In these days of crisis, we are all are vulnerable and might not be ready to face many challenges... 

write a short report in PDF format, not more than 2 pages and submit before due date.   November 23rd 16:00 pm

What are the potential risks that you might be facing in your city, town or village?

You are free to provide a suitable report title of your liking and you see most appropriate.

Good luck be safe.

In these days of crisis, we are all are vulnerable and might not be ready to face many challenges... 

write a short report in PDF format, not more than 2 pages and submit before due date.   November 23rd 16:00 pm

What are the potential risks that you might be facing in your city, town or village?

You are free to provide a suitable report title of your liking and you see most appropriate.

Good luck be safe.

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