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Planning is the process of thinking about and organizing the activities required to achieve a desired goal. It combines forecasting with preparation of scenarios and how to react to them.
Urban Planning is the activity or profession of determining the future physical arrangement & condition  of a community, involving:
- an assessment of the present condition,
- a forecast of future requirements, 
- a plan for the fulfillment of these requirements, &
- proposals for constructional, legal, & financial programs to implement the plan.
Professional planners are required to manage competing uses for land.  At the heart of this process is weighing up social, economic and environmental impacts for the benefit of the wider public.  This is known as 'achieving sustainable development' through 'spatial planning'.
Planners advise community groups, local & national politicians to make decisions about matters ranging from the location of major new transport or energy facilities, through to the development of new shops, schools, homes or parks for local communities.

Course Objectives:

This course aims at:
(1) Introducing the Conceptual framework of planning & urban planning,
(2) Understanding how urban planning principles & practices have developed overtime,
(3) Understanding of urban planning as a science & as a profession,
(4) Identifying the role & characteristics of planner,
(5) Introducing the different planning approaches,
(6) Identifying the implications of ethics within the planning profession & an examination of future directions.


1st Week - Introduction & Conceptual Framework: concepts of planning, urban
2nd Week - The development of urban planning principles & practices
3rd & 4th Weeks - Urban planning as a science & as a profession
5th Week - The role & characteristic of the planner
6th Week - Midterm Exam
7th & 8th Weeks - Different planning approaches
9th & 10th Weeks - Participatory urban planning
11th & 12th Weeks - Urban planning practices in Palestine
13th Week - The profession of urban planning in Palestine
14th & 15th Weeks - Presentation of Term Papers
16th Week - Final Exam

Course Implementation Tools:
- Lectures,
- Discussions,
- Presenting experiences of related persons (mayors, city engineers, urban planners,
administrators, experts, etc.).


- Assignments (1+2) : %30
- Midterm Exam : %15
- Assignments (3+4) : %30
- Final Exam : %25

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