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Explain the relationship between Strategic Management and Risk Management .?

Explain the relationship between Strategic Management and Risk Management .?

بواسطة - بتول عادل ابراهيم دردوك _
عدد الردود: 3

The relationship between strategic management and risk management:Strategic management focuses on achieving organizational goals and maintaining competitive advantage, while risk management provides frameworks to identify, assess, and mitigate potential risks that could impact these objectives, thereby enhancing decision-making and organizational resilience.

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Re: Explain the relationship between Strategic Management and Risk Management .?

بواسطة - ماهر يوسف حافظ عرفات _
I totally agree with you Batool, RM is extremely essential in a fault free implementation stage. But how it can help build resilient org..?
رداً على ماهر يوسف حافظ عرفات _

Re: Explain the relationship between Strategic Management and Risk Management .?

بواسطة - سجى عيد جميل غنيم _
In my opinion, building a resilient organization depends largely on managing resources effectively, which includes managing risks in advanced ways. This is done through strategic planning and managing potential risks through comprehensive analysis of all aspects of the business. And also operational flexibility by preparing comprehensive emergency plans to deal with various crises.
رداً على ماهر يوسف حافظ عرفات _

Re: Explain the relationship between Strategic Management and Risk Management .?

بواسطة - زيد محمد نور جمال نوري _
effective risk management is integral to building a resilient organization. By proactively identifying and mitigating risks, preparing contingency plans, and enhancing decision-making, organizations can better withstand disruptions and maintain continuous improvement. This not only ensures operational stability but also builds stakeholder confidence and compliance with regulations, ultimately contributing to long-term success.
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