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Is it possible to achieve our strategic goals without risk management’s

Is it possible to achieve our strategic goals without risk management’s

بواسطة - ماهر يوسف حافظ عرفات _
عدد الردود: 44

Explain the relationship between Strategic Management and Risk Management .?

The interplay 

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Re: Is it possible to achieve our strategic goals without risk management’s

بواسطة - راما أيمن عبد الرحمن خراز _
In my opinion, the risk management department can be abandoned when the work environment is stable.

However, when the institution is in a changing environment, risk management cannot be abandoned due to its effective impact on the institution and on its strategy in achieving its goals.

For this reason, we realize the importance of analyzing the work environment at the beginning of our plan.

Note: A stable business environment rarely exists, and is almost non-existent, so risk management is indispensable in our current companies.

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Re: Is it possible to achieve our strategic goals without risk management’s

بواسطة - محمد اشرف محمد زهد _
Strategic management and risk management are closely linked in guiding organizations. While strategic management sets goals and allocates resources for long-term success, risk management identifies and mitigates threats to these goals. Their interplay ensures strategies are resilient and adaptable, helping organizations proactively address challenges and maintain a competitive edge
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Re: Is it possible to achieve our strategic goals without risk management’s

بواسطة - سلسبيل ناهي طاهر حنني _
إدارة المخاطر تركز على تحديد وتقييم ومعالجة المخاطر المحتملة التي قد تؤثر سلبًا على أهداف المؤسسة

الإدارة الاستراتيجية تركز على تحديد الأهداف وتوجيهات المؤسسة على المدى البعيد وتحقيقها
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Re: Is it possible to achieve our strategic goals without risk management’s

بواسطة - مثنى سعيد محمد ماجد عبد الحليم _
As we set our goals and abjectives in the process of strategic management, we have to know that the future is unknown, and it may bring events that are not under control, such as economic downturn and competitors actions.
It's the role of risk management to identify and plan for those possibilities, so we can take down the challenges that may face us.
In other words, the strategic goals connot be acheived without using risk management.
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Re: Is it possible to achieve our strategic goals without risk management’s

بواسطة - ابرار محمد أحمد حمادنه _
It is highly unlikely to achieve strategic goals without risk management. Risk management identifies potential risks and reduces their impact, preventing obstacles that could hinder the execution of strategic plans. Without it, organizations may face unforeseen challenges that negatively affect the achievement of objectives.
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Re: Is it possible to achieve our strategic goals without risk management’s

بواسطة - احمد محمود أحمد ابوعيشة _
الإدارة الاستراتيجية وإدارة المخاطر مترابطتان بشكل وثيق. فالإدارة الاستراتيجية تهتم بوضع الأهداف والخطط لتحقيق رؤية المؤسسة، بينما إدارة المخاطر تهتم بتحديد وتحليل وإدارة المخاطر التي قد تعوق تحقيق هذه الأهداف. تتداخل الوظيفتان من خلال الحاجة إلى فهم المخاطر وإدارتها لضمان تنفيذ الاستراتيجيات بنجاح وتحقيق الأهداف المرجوة.
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Re: Is it possible to achieve our strategic goals without risk management’s

بواسطة - محمد ماهر مصباح صالحي _
إدارة الاستراتيجية تحدد الأهداف بعيدة المدى، وإدارة المخاطر تحدد المخاطر المحتملة وتخففها لتحقيق الأهداف بفعالية وأمان
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Re: Is it possible to achieve our strategic goals without risk management’s

بواسطة - هدى خلدون نايف براهمه _
- Without risk management, organizations may face unforeseen issues that could derail their plans, leading to financial losses, reputational damage, and operational disruptions.
- Strategic management sets an organization's long-term goals, while risk management identifies and mitigates potential risks to achieving those goals. Together, they ensure informed decision-making, efficient resource allocation, and adaptability, enhancing the likelihood of successfully reaching strategic objectives.
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Re: Is it possible to achieve our strategic goals without risk management’s

بواسطة - صهيب عبدالحكيم اسماعيل ابو هادي _
In my opinion you may achieve them but if any faliure happenes later that will cause you alot so risk management is important because it identify the risk that may happen for the strategic plan and prevent them from happening so risk management is important
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Re: Is it possible to achieve our strategic goals without risk management’s

بواسطة - بتول نضال محمود فطاير _
Achieving strategic goals without risk management is highly unlikely. Risk management plays a crucial role in identifying, assessing, and mitigating potential obstacles that can hinder the achievement of strategic objectives. Without risk management, an organization may face unforeseen challenges that could derail its plans, leading to financial losses, operational disruptions, and reputational damage.
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Re: Is it possible to achieve our strategic goals without risk management’s

بواسطة - ليالي أحمد سعيد غانم _
nterplay between SM and RM
1. Strategic Planning: Integrates risk assessment to ensure strategies are achievable and safe.
2. Decision-Making: Risk analysis supports strategic decisions to ensure preparedness for unforeseen events.
3.Resilience: The integration of risk management into strategy helps build organizational resilience against challenges.

Together, they complement each other to effectively and safely achieve organizational goals.
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Re: Is it possible to achieve our strategic goals without risk management’s

بواسطة - الاء عبد الكريم راجح جبور _
Strategy management provides direction and objectives, while risk management ensures that the path to achieving these objectives is safe and stable. Cooperation between them achieves sustainable success for the organization
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Re: Is it possible to achieve our strategic goals without risk management’s

بواسطة - ديالا مازن محمد ايوب _
لضمان نجاح تحقيق الاهداف الاستراتيجية للمنظمات من الافضل استخدام والاعتماد على ادارة المخاطر حيث انه خلال التنفيذ والعمل قد ينتج اي تغير او تطور يحتاج لادارة وعند اهماله قد يكون عامل فشل او من الممكن اي
ينتج اسباب وتغبرات تسهل وتختصر علي بعض الامور ولكن نحن نكون متجاهلين لادراة المخاطر
عند استخدام ادارة المخاطر يكون مستوى الوعي والتخطيط بالشركة اعلى لان الشركة تكون مستعدة لاي مخاطر
على مواجهتها بالتالي نجاحها وتحقيق اهدافها وضمان اسمراريتها وتميزها

مثل شركة ناشئة تطلق منتج جديد
بدون ادارة مخاطر قد لا تقييم الشركة مخاطر مثل فشل المنتج او المنافسة الشديدة وغيره

اما مع ادارة المخاطر تقيم الشركة هذخ المخاطر وتطور خطط للتحقيق اهدافها
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Re: Is it possible to achieve our strategic goals without risk management’s

بواسطة - ملك ناصر مصطفى علان _
It is possible to achieve strategic objectives without risk management, but this increases the possibility of encountering unexpected problems and difficulties affecting the achievement of those objectives. Risk management plays an important role in achieving success more effectively and securing the path towards achieving goals better. As I said in the answer to the previous question, they are like having a safety net while striving to reach the top
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Re: Is it possible to achieve our strategic goals without risk management’s

بواسطة - قمرهان محمد نضال اسعد كتوت _
In my opinion, it’s hard to achieve our strategic goals without risk management. Unmanaged risks can cause unexpected problems and financial losses, which can derail our plans. By identifying and managing risks, we can make better decisions and increase our chances of success.
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Re: Is it possible to achieve our strategic goals without risk management’s

بواسطة - رانيه محمود حسين سلاوده _
Achieving strategic goals without risk management is highly challenging. Effective risk management helps identify, assess, and mitigate potential obstacles that could derail objectives. Without it, organizations may face unforeseen challenges that could compromise their strategies, leading to missed opportunities or significant losses. Therefore, integrating risk management into strategic planning is essential for long-term success.
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Re: Is it possible to achieve our strategic goals without risk management’s

بواسطة - عبدالرحمن زهدي عبد الرحمن مصري _
Strategic management: involves setting long-term goals, analyzing the competitive environment, allocating resources, and implementing strategies to achieve organizational objectives.

Risk management : focuses on identifying, assessing, and mitigating potential threats that could hinder the achievement of these objectives. The interplay between the two ensures that strategic plans are realistic and resilient, taking into account potential risks and uncertainties, thus enhancing the likelihood of achieving desired outcomes.

Achieving strategic goals without risk management is highly challenging. Risk management identifies, assesses, and mitigates potential threats that could derail strategic plans. Without it, organizations are more vulnerable to unforeseen events and uncertainties, which can compromise or entirely thwart the attainment of their strategic objectives. 
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Re: Is it possible to achieve our strategic goals without risk management’s

بواسطة - محمد مازن ناجح سنونو _

In my opinion, achieving strategic goals without managing risks is unrealistic. Risk

 management is critical to forecast and address potential issues that may derail plans,

Due to environmental challenges, there is no completely stable environment

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Re: Is it possible to achieve our strategic goals without risk management’s

بواسطة - عمرو خالد فريد قمحيه _
Without Risk Management you might reach your goals but you’re sailing blind, Unexpected storms (risks) could sink your ship, It’s like driving without a seatbelt you might get there, but the journey is riskier.
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Re: Is it possible to achieve our strategic goals without risk management’s

بواسطة - جهاد امجد أحمد عبد الحق _
Achieving strategic goals without risk management is highly unlikely and generally not advisable. Risk management plays a crucial role in identifying, assessing, and mitigating potential obstacles that could hinder the achievement of these goals. Without it, organizations are more vulnerable to unforeseen challenges, which can lead to significant setbacks, financial losses, and even failure. Effective risk management helps ensure that strategic goals are pursued in a controlled and sustainable manner, increasing the likelihood of success.
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Re: Is it possible to achieve our strategic goals without risk management’s

بواسطة - محمد سامر نعيم عبدات _
It's possible to reach strategic goals without risk management, but it's not a good idea. Risk management helps spot and deal with potential problems that could interfere with your plans. Without it, you're more likely to face unexpected issues that could cause serious setbacks or even failure. Using risk management makes it more likely you'll succeed by preparing for and handling any challenges that come up.
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Re: Is it possible to achieve our strategic goals without risk management’s

بواسطة - علي بهاء الدين عزت العزيزي _
Achieving strategic goals without risk management is highly unlikely and imprudent. Risk management identifies, assesses, and mitigates potential obstacles that could derail strategic objectives. Without it, organizations are vulnerable to unforeseen events that could cause significant setbacks, financial losses, or even failure. Effective risk management ensures that strategies are resilient, adaptable, and have contingencies in place, thus increasing the likelihood of successful goal attainment.
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Re: Is it possible to achieve our strategic goals without risk management’s

بواسطة - تمارا وليد ابراهيم نزال _
Achieving strategic goals without risk management is difficult and risky, as risk management identifies and mitigates potential threats to ensure continuity and success. Without it, organizations may face unforeseen challenges that negatively impact goal attainment.
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Re: Is it possible to achieve our strategic goals without risk management’s

بواسطة - حازم هاني علي ابو هنيه _
Achieving strategic goals without risk management is highly unlikely.

Unforeseen Challenges: The business environment is dynamic and unpredictable. Without risk management, organizations are vulnerable to unexpected events that can derail their plans.
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Re: Is it possible to achieve our strategic goals without risk management’s

بواسطة - سجى عيد جميل غنيم _
Risk management is vital, as achieving strategic objectives without risk management is very difficult and may have serious consequences, and makes the organization vulnerable to unexpected events that can obstruct or fail the achievement of strategic objectives. Therefore, risk management is not only useful but necessary to ensure the success of strategic objectives.
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Re: Is it possible to achieve our strategic goals without risk management’s

بواسطة - لارا صلاح فتحي قاقا _
Strategic management: defines the organization's goals and develops plans to achieve them.
Risk Management: detects and manages risks that may hinder the achievement of strategic objectives.
The relationship between them:
Strategic management guides the organization towards achieving its goals, while risk management ensures that the process is safe and sustainable by dealing with potential threats
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Re: Is it possible to achieve our strategic goals without risk management’s

بواسطة - فرح حمد قاسم مصري _
The relationship between strategic management and risk management lies in the integration of their roles to achieve success. Strategic management involves defining long-term goals and devising plans to achieve them, ensuring a company moves in the right direction. In contrast, risk management is about identifying, evaluating, and addressing potential threats that could derail these plans.

For example, if strategic management is like plotting a course for a voyage, risk management is like monitoring the weather and preparing for storms, ensuring you have contingency plans to handle any unexpected challenges. While strategic management focuses on where you want to go and how to get there, risk management ensures you can navigate potential obstacles along the way.
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Re: Is it possible to achieve our strategic goals without risk management’s

بواسطة - فرح حمد قاسم مصري _
Yes, it's possible for a strategy to succeed without luck, but there's often a significant risk involved. Effective strategic planning, backed by thorough analysis and risk management, can mitigate the impact of uncertainties and increase the likelihood of success. However, overlooking potential risks or external factors beyond control can still pose challenges that may affect the strategy's outcome. Therefore, while luck may not be necessary, prudent risk management remains crucial for navigating unforeseen obstacles and ensuring the strategy's resilience.
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Re: Is it possible to achieve our strategic goals without risk management’s

بواسطة - زيد محمد نور جمال نوري _
It is very unlikely that strategic management can succeed without risk management. Risk management is an integral part of strategic management because it helps identify, analyze, and mitigate risks that could hinder the achievement of strategic goals. Without risk management, an organization might face unexpected challenges, which could negatively impact the attainment of strategic objectives and lead to failure.
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Re: Is it possible to achieve our strategic goals without risk management’s

بواسطة - نورهان محمد نضال اسعد كتوت _
العلاقة بين إدارة الاستراتيجيات وإدارة المخاطر تسعى لتحقيق أهداف المؤسسة بفعالية واستدامة إدارة الاستراتيجيات تركز على وضع الأهداف الطويلة الأمد وتطوير الخطط لتحقيقها بينما إدارة المخاطر تهتم بتحديد وتقييم المخاطر المحتملة واتخاذ التدابير المناسبة للتعامل معها التكامل بينهما يضمن أن تكون الاستراتيجيات مرنة ومستعدة للتعامل مع التحديات المحتملة مما يعزز من قدرة المؤسسة على النمو والنجاح في البيئة التنافسية الحالية والمستقبلية.
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Re: Is it possible to achieve our strategic goals without risk management’s

بواسطة - نورهان محمد نضال اسعد كتوت _
It is not possible to achieve strategic goals without risk management because it plays a crucial role in identifying and assessing potential risks Without it, strategies are vulnerable to failure due to unforeseen challenges.
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Re: Is it possible to achieve our strategic goals without risk management’s

بواسطة - احمد محمود أحمد ابوعيشة _
لا يمكن تحقيق الأهداف الاستراتيجية بدون إدارة المخاطر بشكل فعال. إدارة المخاطر تساهم في تحديد وتحليل المخاطر التي قد تعوق تحقيق الأهداف، وتضع خططًا للتعامل معها. بدون إدارة المخاطر، قد تواجه المؤسسة عقبات غير متوقعة تؤدي إلى فشل الاستراتيجيات الموضوعة. لذلك، تعتبر إدارة المخاطر جزءًا أساسيًا من عملية التخطيط الاستراتيجي لتحقيق النجاح المستدام.
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Re: Is it possible to achieve our strategic goals without risk management’s

بواسطة - اسراء محمد ايوب شتيوي _
In my opinion, it is possible depending on the strength of the company, but this may lead to significant losses. Managing many tasks has a great role in ensuring the effectiveness of the company, and it also has goals without a minimum number of people.
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رد: Is it possible to achieve our strategic goals without risk management’s

بواسطة - ميار بشار أحمد سخل _
Without risk management, it is possible to attempt achieving strategic goals, but this will be fraught with risks and may lead to delays and inefficiency in achieving the objectives because the company has not accounted for potential risks. Risk management is essential for identifying, assessing, and planning to address potential problems, thereby enhancing the chances of success for the strategy and reducing the impact of unexpected issues and risks.
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Re: Is it possible to achieve our strategic goals without risk management’s

بواسطة - رسل سلامه أحمد عصبه _
Strategic management sets long-term goals, while risk management identifies and mitigates risks to these goals. By integrating risk management, organizations make informed decisions, allocate resources wisely, and stay adaptable. This synergy ensures sustainable success and resilience against uncertainties.
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Re: Is it possible to achieve our strategic goals without risk management’s

بواسطة - تالا حكم محمود دبابسه _
In conclusion, the relationship between strategic management and risk management is symbiotic and essential for the sustained success of any organization. Strategic management outlines the vision, goals, and roadmap for an organization, guiding it towards growth and competitive advantage. Risk management, on the other hand, serves as the guardian of this strategic pathway, identifying potential pitfalls and uncertainties that could hinder progress and devising strategies to mitigate them.

By integrating risk management into strategic planning and execution, organizations can ensure that their strategic initiatives are resilient, adaptable, and capable of navigating the complexities of the business environment. This integration not only safeguards the organization against potential threats but also enhances decision-making, resource allocation, and overall corporate governance.

Ultimately, the synergy between strategic management and risk management enables organizations to pursue their objectives with confidence, agility, and a greater likelihood of achieving sustainable success in a dynamic and often unpredictable marketplace.
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Re: Is it possible to achieve our strategic goals without risk management’s

بواسطة - كربلاء علي ابراهيم فرج _
‏achieving strategic goals efficiently and effectively is almost impossible without risk management. Risk management plays a crucial role in identifying, assessing, and mitigating potential risks, thereby increasing the likelihood of successful goal achievement. Effective risk management helps organizations anticipate challenges, allocate resources wisely, and adapt to changes, all of which are necessary for strategic success. Therefore, integrating risk management into strategic planning is essential rather than optional."
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Re: Is it possible to achieve our strategic goals without risk management’s

بواسطة - نور الدين محمد امين خليفه _

من غير المحتمل تحقيق الاهداف الاستراتيجيةبدون ادارة المخاطر، يمكن تحقيق اهداف قصيرة الاجل دون ادارة مخاطر ولكن اي استراتيجية معينة للمنظمة تكون بمثابة خطة طويلة الامد ولذلك نجاح اي منظمة وتحقيق اهدافها يتطلب نهج معين مستبق لتحديد المخاطر وتقييمها والتخفيف منها.

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Re: Is it possible to achieve our strategic goals without risk management’s

بواسطة - ملك كريم فهمي موسى _
Strategic management and risk management go hand in hand. Strategic management is about setting long-term goals and creating plans to achieve them, while risk management is about spotting potential obstacles and figuring out how to handle them.

When risk management is part of strategic planning, it ensures that goals are aligned and helps the organization stay resilient, adapt to changes, and make well-informed decisions.
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Re: Is it possible to achieve our strategic goals without risk management’s

بواسطة - تالا اوراس زيد برهم _
Strategic management sets the goals and direction for an organization, while risk management identifies and mitigates potential threats that could affect the achievement of those goals. Together, they ensure that organizations pursue their objectives effectively while managing uncertainties and minimizing potential disruptions.
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Re: Is it possible to achieve our strategic goals without risk management’s

بواسطة - جهاد سند مفيد لفداوي _
Strategic management and risk management are linked because they both focus on helping an organization reach its goals. Strategic management is about planning and making decisions for the future, while risk management focuses on identifying and handling potential problems that could affect those plans, so by combining these two, organizations can create solid strategies that are prepared for uncertainties and better equipped to achieve their objectives.
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