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There are three main types of organizational structures:

1- Functional Structure:

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A functional structure is one of the most common organizational structures. Under this structure, the organization groups employees according to a specialized or similar set of roles or tasks (function).
It collects all functional specialization in single department, it means that the employees within the financial divisions tend to perform a specialized set of tasks, each employee also benefit from the experiences of his colleagues in the same specialty because they work in the same department or sector.

The advantage of using this type is that it is economic, because everything is centralized so we do not need to store more and more of the workshop.
The disadvantages
- The lack of flexibility.
- Poor relationships between the different disciplines.
- The length of the hierarchy in the sense that many levels of management.

2- Divisional Structure:

The divisional structure is a type of organizational structure that groups each organizational function into a division. These divisions can correspond to either products or geographies. A divisional organizational structure usually consists of several parallel teams focusing on a single product or service line .
It is a type of organizational configuration that groups together those employees who are responsible for a particular product, the function of production may occur in both divisions.

Divisions work well because they allow a team to focus upon a single product or service.

Conflicts between Divisional Heads:
Every divisional head wants to establish his supremacy. To satisfy ego each demands maximum resources for his division. This situation leads to conflicts among the various divisional heads.
example: a plant that makes producers or its manufacturers A and B are split company into two sections A and B and each sector is followed by all its services - almost - from the production, maintenance and financial and stores.Also known as "Product Structure", the concept of this type is that it groups each organizational function into a division, each division contains all the necessary resources and functions
inside this division.

*Note that with the use of this system, it may sometimes keep some departments centralized, such as human resources management.

3- Matrix Structure:

The concept of this type is to group employees by both function and product, it uses teams of employees to accomplish work in order to take advantage of the strengths also make up for the weaknesses, of functional and decentralized forms. An example would be a company that produces two products, "product a" and "product b". Using the matrix structure, this company would organize functions within the company as follows: "product a" sales department, "product a" customer service department, "product a" accounting, "product b" sales department, "product b" customer service department, "product b" accounting department.

The disadvantage of this type is the difficulty of the organization of work for workers who follow the two main features, but it collects a lot of the advantages of both the organization and sector.

Other Types :

4- Pre- bureaucratic structure:

lack standardization of task, it`s common in small org. and is best used to solve simple tasks. It`s totally centralized.

5- Bureaucratic structures:

Is an org. of non-elected officials of a government or org. who implement the rules, laws. and functions of their institution. It deals with workers like machines and have a certain degree of standardization.

6- Post-bureaucratic:

Is used in two senses in the organizational literature: one generic and one much more specific. The term Post-bureaucratic is often used to describe a range of ideas. This may include total quality management, culture management, and matrix.

7- Agile-Organization:

Agile’s emergence as a huge global movement extending beyond software is driven by the discovery that the only way for organizations to cope with today’s turbulent customer-driven marketplace is to become Agile. Agile enables organizations to master continuous change. It permits firms to flourish in a world that is increasingly volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous

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