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Responsibility, Authority, Delegating Authority, There is a problem in determining managerial accountability that arises when delegating authority to managers

In our efforts to understand and predict and direct the performance and outcomes of an org. we learn that organizations are not just linear mechanical parts that accepts input from the environment and produce goods and services back to the environment through a conversion processes. The system point of view of an organization as a system consists of subsystems, and directing and predicting the outcome of subsystems doesn't necessarily leads to accurately direct and predict the outcomes of the whole system, ... the dynamics inside organizations.

More on Interpersonal relations and Agency Theory, Cost associated with Agency Problem and Mutual Adjustments ...

"Organizations ceased to be closed and predictable systems. They had to be depicted as open systems, interacting with their environment and adapting to it. They had to be depicted as complex and dynamic systems, in which paradox and chaotic behaviour (in mathematical terms) were a possibility. Therefore, borrowing from biologyphysics, applied mathematics and the philosophy of science, a new perspective in organizational sciences was born."(Boros, S. (2009). Introduction: Dynamic organizations and organizational dynamics)  .......

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