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Ch3 Intro MIS Laudon ( IS, Org., Mgmt., Strategy)

What is Org.?

Common & Unique Features of Organization

Section 3.1: Organizations and Information Systems
What Is an Organization?
Common Features of Organizations
Unique Features of Organizations
Window on Organizations: E-Commerce North and South of the Border
Organizing the IT Function

Section 3.2: How Information Systems Impact Organizations and Business Firms
Economic Impacts
Organizational and Behavioral Impacts
The Internet and Organizations

Section 3.3: The Impact of IT on Management Decision Making
How IT Affects Management Decision Making
The Role of Managers in Organizations
Models of Decision Making
Implications for the Design and Understanding of Information Systems

Section 3.4: Information Systems and Business Strategy
Business-Level Strategy: The Value Chain Model
Window on Technology: Hotel Loyalty Programs Become Competitive Weapons
Firm-Level Strategy and Information Technology
Industry-Level Strategy and Information Systems: Competitive Forces and Network Economics

Section 3.5: Management Opportunities, Challenges, and Solutions
Management Challenges
Solution Guidelines

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