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Topic outline

  • IS Risk Mgmt. 10676320   

     Protect to Enable Approach

    "Embracing change with power & purpose"

    In this course we will adapt Competency Based Edu. CBE-Learning Strategy, Blended Learning delivery mode. 

    Class meetings:  S-Tu-Th  9h00-10h00  & 10h00-11h00, 

    Zoom meetings:   ID 822 821 8416

    The course aims to increase students’ understanding/competency in the following 3 topics: 

    1- Principles of risk mgmt. and Guidelines.دليل إدارة المخاطر 

    ما هو مفهوم - طرق - اهداف - انواع - ادوات - معوقات - ادارة المخاطر  •

     Why to manage risks?

    • How to manage risks?

    • Identification, Eval. Treatment of risks?

    • Current issues in risk management.

    2- IS/IT Risks. المخاطر التي تتعرض لها أنظمة المعلومات في المؤسسة

    3- Risk Info. System. نظام معلومات لإدارة المخاطر

    To create an ordered path through the chaos of a fast-paced, constantly changing environment to achieve business success. You are expected to understand business objectives, develop and implement plans, measure progress against time, cost and business requirements, while balancing priorities among different and potentially conflicting stakeholder groups. Identifying, analyzing, and appropriately responding to risk in a proactive fashion, rather than waiting for the overwhelming avalanche of issues, is an essential skill of the professionally competent manager. This course is for you, providing a practical approach to managing risk and detailing and implementing an effective risk management plan.

    Follow this link for your Course Learning Contract

    IS Risk Management  Course Contract and Road-Map   qr

    In this file you'll find the road-map that explains all the topic, quizzes, tests, and assignments clearly identified by weeks and dates.    

  • Learning Outcomes:

    - Build a risk management Framework of Reference.

    - Follow the risk management Principles.

    - Apply the risk management standard Process.

    Risk-Based Thinking

    A Risk Mgmt. Principles & Guidelines   التوجيهات والخطوات و الخطوط العريضى الاساسية     Australia New-Zealand.

    a. ISO , المعايير الدولية

    b. Best Practices, افضل الممارسات - التجارب

    c. Learned Lessons   الدروس المستفاده من التجارب السابقة

    • This guide reflects the changes to the financial management legislation in Queensland, as well as the release of a new Australia/New Zealand risk management standard.   The term Agency is synonym to Organization. 
      1- The scope of this Guide has been broadened to consider all risks
      2- Emphasis is placed on how agencies can practically integrate the risk management framework into existing governance processes, and
      3- Assistance is provided with risk identification at the agency, cross-agency and whole-of-Government levels.

      Important resources:

      Queensland Business ( IT risk mgmt.)

      Purpose of the Guide:
      There is a significant amount of conceptual risk management guidance material available for both the public and private sectors. The purpose of the Guide is to provide an overview of the key concepts of risk management, and guidance on how the risk management process can be practically applied by any Queensland public sector agency.

      To create a RM Plan you need to follow the guidance of:

      1- RM Standards ----- ISO نعتمد على معاير  دولية معتمده 

      2- Best Practices نستفيد من ممارسات الغير

      3- Lessons Learned  الدروس و العبر من التجارب الشخصية السابقة

    • Sample Source.    Automated SYstem for CUstoms DAta

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