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Topic outline

  • IS Risk Mgmt. 10676320   

     Protect to Enable Approach

    "Embracing change with power & purpose"

    In this course we will adapt Competency Based Edu. CBE-Learning Strategy, Blended Learning delivery mode. 

    Class meetings:  S-Tu-Th  9h00-10h00  & 10h00-11h00, 

    Zoom meetings:   ID 822 821 8416

    The course aims to increase students’ understanding/competency in the following 3 topics: 

    1- Principles of risk mgmt. and Guidelines.دليل إدارة المخاطر 

    ما هو مفهوم - طرق - اهداف - انواع - ادوات - معوقات - ادارة المخاطر  •

     Why to manage risks?

    • How to manage risks?

    • Identification, Eval. Treatment of risks?

    • Current issues in risk management.

    2- IS/IT Risks. المخاطر التي تتعرض لها أنظمة المعلومات في المؤسسة

    3- Risk Info. System. نظام معلومات لإدارة المخاطر

    To create an ordered path through the chaos of a fast-paced, constantly changing environment to achieve business success. You are expected to understand business objectives, develop and implement plans, measure progress against time, cost and business requirements, while balancing priorities among different and potentially conflicting stakeholder groups. Identifying, analyzing, and appropriately responding to risk in a proactive fashion, rather than waiting for the overwhelming avalanche of issues, is an essential skill of the professionally competent manager. This course is for you, providing a practical approach to managing risk and detailing and implementing an effective risk management plan.

    Follow this link for your Course Learning Contract

    IS Risk Management  Course Contract and Road-Map   qr

    In this file you'll find the road-map that explains all the topic, quizzes, tests, and assignments clearly identified by weeks and dates.    

  • Learning Outcomes:

    - Articulate a Risk Management .... Definition

    - Differentiate between the different types of risk 

    - Appreciate the importance of risk management in Info. Systems.


    What is Risk Mgmt. ----   

    Governance Institute of Australia Web site

    Governance Institute of Australia Youtube

    what is risk management:

    Risk is the effect of uncertainty on Organizational long-term objectives. 

    Risk management is one of the key components of an organization's overall governance framework managing risk assists organizations in setting strategy to :

    1- Achieve long-term OBJECTIVES and 


     Taking risks is fundamental to profit & non-for-Profit organizations,  delivering on its strategy innovation in risk growth, avoidance of risk poses a threat to the future of the organization so doing nothing is probably the greatest risk.

    In a dynamic external environment management needs to consider the risk of not taking a risk or not making a decision. Recognizing and managing risk is a crucial part of the role of the board and management oversight of risk management is the responsibility of the board, they should review and approve the risk management policies and framework on a regular basis in this way the board decides on the nature and extent of the risks it is prepared to take in order to meet its objectives.

     Management is responsible for developing and implementing the risk management framework and its internal controls. The approach to risk will vary across organizations but a risk management framework should document risk tolerance, the levels of risk taking that are acceptable in order to achieve a specific objective will manage a category of risk appetite the level of risk the organization is willing to assume ensuring that the board management and staff all understand the scope for risk when making decisions and the type of risks that the organization is attempting to avoid, mitigate, transfer or accept.

    There are different types of risk: strategic risk, operational risk, emerging and people risk and compliance risk. Common tools use in the identification and management of risks include the risk management process, risk management policies and procedures risk and control. Self-assessment risk matrix scenario planning and loss event database the risk management process is iterative which means that it is a process of monitoring reviewing and focusing on continuous improvement.

     Developing a risk culture means creating a workplace where staff has the confidence to ask questions and to challenge assumptions about the way that business is can that our vision is to champion whole of organization governance and risk management through education advocacy and engagement with members and their broader community contact us to find out more about governance Institute and the benefits of membership governance Institute strengthening society through governance excellence

    M E A T

    Mitigate Risk.     Eliminate Risk.    Accept Risk.     Transfer or Share Risk.

    • 1- Risk Management Guide for IT Systems -  NIST

      2- Managing Risk and Information Security -  (Protect to Enable)

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