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  • 9. 9 Operational Excellence & Customer Intimacy

    Operational Excellence & Customer Intimacy:  The Enterprise Applications.

    This chapter looks at enterprise systems, which collect and integrate data from many different departments and systems throughout the business. and why it might be valuable to have information from one business process instantly available to another Business process. Enterprise systems feature a set of integrated software modules and a central database by which business processes and functional areas throughout the enterprise can share data to make the right decisions.

    Student Learning Objectives

    - How do enterprise systems help businesses achieve operational excellence?

    - How do supply chain management systems coordinate planning, production, and logistics with suppliers?

    - How do customer relationship management systems help firms achieve customer intimacy?

    - What are the challenges that enterprise applications pose, and how are enterprise applications taking advantage of new technologies?

    a Wonderful small video that explain Operational excellence in a simple way:

    For 1-Easier,  2-Better  3-Faster  4-Cheaper Bus. operatioins.

  • Intro Management Information Systems 10676111

  • 1. IS Global Business

  • 2 Global e-Bus Collaboration

  • 3 IS - Org - Mgmt - Strategy

  • 4 Ethical, Social and Legal Issues in IS

  • 5 IT Infrastructure - Emerging Tech.

  • 6 Business Intelligence

  • 7 Telecom, Internet, Wireless

  • 8 Securing IS

  • 10 e-Commerce Digital Markets

  • 11 Managing Knowledge

  • 10 Enhancing Decision Making

  • 13 Building IS

  • 14 Managing Projects

  • 15 Managing Global Systems

  • Quizzes

  • Assignments

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