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  • 7. 7 Telecom, Internet, Wireless

    Telecommunication, The Internet, Wireless TechnologiesRelated image

    Learning Objectives:

    • Identify the principal components of telecommunications networks and key networking technologies.
    • Identify the different types of networks.
    • Describe how the Internet and Internet technology work and how they support communication and e-business.
    • Describe the principal technologies and standards for wireless networking, communication, and Internet access.
    • Describe radio frequency identification and wireless sensor networks and identify why these are valuable business technologies.

  • Intro Management Information Systems 10676111

  • 1. IS Global Business

  • 2 Global e-Bus Collaboration

  • 3 IS - Org - Mgmt - Strategy

  • 4 Ethical, Social and Legal Issues in IS

  • 5 IT Infrastructure - Emerging Tech.

  • 6 Business Intelligence

  • 8 Securing IS

  • 9 Operational Excellence & Customer Intimacy

  • 10 e-Commerce Digital Markets

  • 11 Managing Knowledge

  • 10 Enhancing Decision Making

  • 13 Building IS

  • 14 Managing Projects

  • 15 Managing Global Systems

  • Quizzes

  • Assignments

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