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  • 4. 4 Ethical, Social and Legal Issues in IS

    Ethical, Social and Legal Issues in IS.

    "Ethics: Refers to the principles of right & wrong that individuals, (acting as free agents), use in making choices to guide their behavior." K.C. Laudon

     مبادئ الصواب والخطأ التي يستخدمها الأفراد (الذين يتمتعون بحرية الاختيار) في اتخاذ الخيارات لتوجيه سلوكهم

    Learning Objectives:

    1. What ethical, social, and political issues are raised by information systems?
    2. What specific principles for conduct can be used to guide ethical decisions?
    3. Why do contemporary information systems technology and the Internet pose challenges to the protection of individual privacy and intellectual property?
    4. How have information systems affected everyday life?


  • Intro Management Information Systems 10676111

  • 1. IS Global Business

  • 2 Global e-Bus Collaboration

  • 3 IS - Org - Mgmt - Strategy

  • 5 IT Infrastructure - Emerging Tech.

  • 6 Business Intelligence

  • 7 Telecom, Internet, Wireless

  • 8 Securing IS

  • 9 Operational Excellence & Customer Intimacy

  • 10 e-Commerce Digital Markets

  • 11 Managing Knowledge

  • 10 Enhancing Decision Making

  • 13 Building IS

  • 14 Managing Projects

  • 15 Managing Global Systems

  • Quizzes

  • Assignments

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