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  • Intro Management Information Systems 10676111

    Maher Y. ARAFAT     -                              Image result for Laudon 14th edition png

    Zoom Meeting ID   822 821 8416        الثلاثاء والأربعاء 9:30-8:00 

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    Course Scope 

    MIS is a 3 credit hours IT college obligatory course intended to familiarize students with some of the problems and opportunities associated with managing organizations and how information systems and modern information technologies can provide modern management with business solutions to keep up with technology CHANGE and manage performance. The learner is expected to understand and appreciate the revolution in businesses caused by the internet and its related technologies and its abundant offerings. Learner must develop a solid understanding to apply IT and managerial concepts to solve business problems. This course can be divided into two major parts to demonstrate how IS and IT are essential ingredients for the success of today’s Inter-networked business enterprise by placing major emphasis on the following strategic role of IT:

    • Revitalizing business process and operations.
    • Improving managerial decision making process.
    • Gaining and sustaining competitive advantages.
    • Solving modern-day business problems.
    • Maximum utilization of business opportunities.

    Part I.
    Part one is intended to improve your competence and your theoretical frame of reference in fundamental managerial principles, concepts, theories and ideas in relation to organizations, management, information systems and the Networked Enterprise.
    Part II.
    In Part two focuses on applying acquired competences gained in the theoretical part 1 and will provide the learners the chance to build awareness and solid comprehension on major fundamental IT infrastructure within the enterprise

    Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO's) & Competencies

    1-  Recognize the role of IT to enhance organization performance, provide strategic advantages and competitive position.

    2- Distinguish IS functions in the different managerial levels.

    3- Formulate the relationships between IS, Org. and Business processes.

    4- Ability to function and collaborate effectively within teams to accomplish a common goal

    5- Understanding of professional, ethical, legal, security and social issues and responsibilities

    Text Book & Resources:  

    MIS 15e, Managing the Digital Firms  ebook MIS Kenneth C. Laudon

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