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Topic Name Description
File Course Outline - managerial accounting
URL Zoom Meeting Information

Meeting ID: 963 9997 4701

Passcode: 316641

URL Main book " Horngren's cost accounting - a managerial emphasis "
URL Additional references "Horngren's Financial and managerial accounting "
URL Date: 24/4/2024 - introduction to the course
Chapter 1 : Introduction to managerial accounting - second semester 2023/2024 File PowerPoint Slides - chapter 1
URL Date: 12/2/2024 - Introduction to managerial accounting
Chapter 2: Introduction to cost terms & purposes- second semester 2023/2024 File PowerPoint Slides for Chapter 2
URL Date: 13/2/2024 - Direct & indirect cost / variable & fixed cost
URL Date 14/2/2024 - mixed cost

تكملة هذه المحاضرة ستكون بتاريخ 15.2.2024 

URL Date 15/2/2024 - Cost driver/ relevant range/ direct indirect and variable fixed relationship/company & inventory types
URL Date : 30/4/2024 - Variable & fixed cost / mixed cost / cost driver / relevant range/ unit cost / company tyoes & inventory types
File word file for 30/4/2024 lecture
URL Date: 7/5/2024 - exercises soultion
File Word file for 7/5/2024 lecture - exercises solution
Variable and absorption costing methods- second semester 2023/2024 File Power point slides - absorption and variable costing methods
URL Date: 19/2/2024 - difference between variable and absorption costing ( case 1: units sold = units produced & case 2: units sold < units produced)
URL Date: 20/2/204 - case 3 : units sold > units produced & classwork solution
File Word file for the chapter absorption and variable costing
File solution for the classwork 2
URL Date : 8/5/2024 - difference between absorption and variable costing & solution for case 1 (units produced = units sold)
File word file for the chapter
chapter 3 : C-V-P analysis - Second semester 2023/2024 File PowerPoint for chapter 3: C-V-P analysis
File C-V-P file
URL Date: 21/2/2024 - Introduction to C-V-P analysis
URL Date: 25/2/2024 - C-V-P Methods & BEP & Targeted O.I
URL Date: 26/2/2024 - targeted net income & MOS & Cost planning
URL Date: 27/2/2024 - Cost planning & operating leverage
URL Date: 28/2/2024 - sales mix
URL Date: 3/3/2024 - Case study details & extra exercises on C-V-P
URL Date: 4/3/2024 - extra exercises on C-V-P
File Word file : extra exercises on C-V-P
URL Date: 14/5/2024 - Introduction to C-V-P analysis
URL Date: 15/5/2024 -BEP/ targeted operating income / targeted net income
URL Date : 21/5/2024 - sales mix & exercises solution
URL Date : 22/5/2024 - exercises solution
File word file
Case study details URL Case study Groups

اضغط على الرابط و تعرف على اسماء الطلاب في مجموعتك  

File case study assessment

المشروع في اللغة الانجليزية , يمنع منعا باتا استخدام اي لغة اخرى في المشروع .
لمعرفة تفاصيل المشروع يرجى مشاهدة الفيديو التالي :

File cover sheet sample
URL Table of content preperation
File Case study marks
midterm exam - key answers File midterm exam - form A
File midterm exam - form B
E- lectures for Chapter 11 - Decision making - Second semester 2023/2024 File Decision making - case studies
URL Date : 5/3/2024 - introduction to decision making ( case study 1) + one time special order ( case study 2 )
URL Date : 6/3/2024 - sell or process further ( Case study 3) + Product mix ( Case study 5)
URL Date : 10/3/2024 - make or buy ( case study 7) + carrying cost of inventory
URL Date : 10/3/2024 - equipment replacement ( case study 6) + solution for exrecise 11-24
URL Date : 17/3/2024 - exam solution & case study 4 ( adding customers)
URL Date : 18/3/2024 - case study 4 ( dropping a customer/ open & close branches) & introduction to capital budgeting
URL Date : 28/5/2024 - make or buy ( case study 7) + carrying cost of inventory + equipment replacement
URL Date :4/6/2024 - Pricing decision
URL Date :5/6/2024 - Adding or dropping customers/ opening branches
URL Decision making case studies answers
Master Budgets - second semester 2023/2024 File Summary of budgets
URL Date : 26/3/2024 - introduction to master budgets & Revenue budget & production budget
URL Date : 27/3/2024 - D.M budget
URL Date : 31/3/2024 - D.L budget / manu. overhead budget/ end inv budget
URL Date : 1/4/2024 - COGS budget /non manu. cost budget / Budgeted income statement
File Excel file for master budget
URL Date: 11/6/2024 - D.L/ manufacturing overhead/ ending inventory budgets
URL Date: 12/6/2024 - Non manufacturing overhead budget & Budgeted income statement

ملاحظة : بسبب حصول مشكلة في التسجيل اثناء المحاضرة لم يتم تسجيل اول موضوع تم شرحه في المحاضرة وهو الموازنة الخاصة بتكاليف البضاعة المباعة لذلك اذا اردت مشاهدة هذا الجزء بامكانك مشاهدة بداية المحاضرة القديمة المسجلة على الرابط التالي

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