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URL Textbook for Accounting Principles 2 (4th edition)
Fichier Course Outline
Fichier Text book-chapter 5- Accounting for merchandising operation-Income statement in merchandising companies
Fichier chapter 5-PowerPoint slides
Revision of Accounting for merchandising operation URL Revision of Accountung for Merchandising operation+Income Statement in merchandising companies(24/4/2024)8:00-9:30 section
URL Revision of Accountung for Merchandising operation+Income Statement in merchandising companies(24/4/2024)11:00-12:30 section
Fichier Revision of accounting for merchandising operation+ Income statement
Chapter 6: Inventories Fichier PPT chapter6
Fichier solution manual ch6
URL Solving E5-14/Classifying inventory+determining inventory quantities+goods in transit(13/2/2024)
URL Solving E6-1+consigned goods+ specific identification method+FIFO method+LIFO(14/2/2024)(8:00-9:30 section)
URL Classifying inventory+Goods in transit+solving E6-1+ consigned goods(14/2/2023)/2:00-3:30 section
URL Average cost method (periodic)+ Financial statement and tax effects of cost flow assumptions +consistency concept +LCNRV)18/2/2023(8:00-9:30 section)
URL Specific identification+ FIFO(periodic)+ LIFO(periodic)+introduction to average cost(periodic)/18/2/2024(2:00-3:30 section)
URL Completion of LCNRV+ inventory errors and their effects on income statement and statement of financial position./ 19/2/2024/(8:00-9:30 section)(income statement
URL Average cost(periodic)+consistency+LCNRV+financial statement and tax effects of different cost flow assumptions+ inventory errors/19/2/2024(2:00_3:30 section)
URL Solving E6-!0+ Perpetual (FIFO+Average cost/20/2/2024(8:00-9:30 section)
URL Inventory errors and their effect on income statement and statements of financial position+ solving E6 _10/20/2/2024(2:00-3:30 section)
URL Gross profit method +E6-17+ BE6-1+E6-15/21/2/2023(8:00-9:30 section)
URL FIFO & moving average under perpetual system+ Gross profit method+ E6-17) /21/2/2024(2-3:30 section)
URL Cost flow assumption(FIFO+LIFO+ Average cost/periodic) + financial effects(8-9:30&11:12:30 sections) 30/4/2024)
Fichier Solving E6-1+specific identification+FIFO+LIFO(28/4/2024)
Fichier Average cost+financial statement and tax effect of cost flow methods+ consistency concept+LCNRV(30/4/2024)
Fichier Completion of LCNRV+inventory errors and their effects on income statement and statement of finacial position(6/5/2024)
URL Inventory Errors and their effect on income statement and statement of financial position+solving E6_10(7/5/2024)
URL FIFO and moving average method under perpetual system/ 8/5/2024
Fichier Perpetual(FIFO+Average cost)(8/5/2024)
Fichier Gross profit method + E6-17+ BE6-1 + E6-15)12/5/2024
Chapter 7: Fraud, Internal Control, and Cash Fichier PPT chapter7
URL Fraud(definition and fraud triangle+Internal control(definition ,components, control activities, cash receipts control)+ treating cash over and short+ solving BE7-6)/25/2/2024(8:00-9:30 &2:00-3:30 section)
URL Solving BE7-7+Petty cash (imprest system)+Solving E7-6. /26/2/2024(8:00-9:30&2-3:30 sections)
Fichier Solving BE7-7+Petty cash (imprest system)+Solving E7-6. /26/2/2024(8:00-9:30&2-3:30 sections)
URL E7-7+Control features of bank accounts+deposits&withdrwals+writing checks+bank statements+Introduction to bank reconciliation/27/2/2024(8:00-9:30&11:00-12:30 sections)
URL Preparing Bank Reconciliation+ Example/28/2/2024(8:00-9:30&2:00-3:30 sections)
URL Entries from Bank reconciliation + Solving P7-5. 3/3/2024(8:00-9:30&2:00-3:30 sections)
URL Solving P7-5+ E7-13+E7-12, 4/3/2024(8:00-9:30 section)
URL P7-5+E7-13+ P7-6, 4/3/3024 (2:00-3:30 section)
Fichier P7-6
Fichier Fraud(definition and fraud triangle+Internal control(definition ,components, control activities, cash receipts control)+ treating cash over and short+ solving BE7-6)13/5/2024
URL Petty cash system (establishment+payment) 14/5/2024 (8:00-9:30 section)
URL Petty Cash system 14/5/2024(11:00-12:30)
Fichier Petty Cash system 14/5/2024
URL COMPLETING PETTY CASH SYSTEM+E7.7/15/5/2024(8:00-9.30 section)
URL Increase and decrease petty cash+control features of a bank. 15/5/2024(11_12:30 section)
Fichier E7-8+Control features of bank account+deposits&withdrwals+writing checks+bank statement+introduction to bank reconciliation 15/5/2024
URL Completion of E7.7+E7.8+ control features of Bank account(محاضرة التعويض شعبة ٨_.٩.٣٠ ١٥/٥/٢٠٢٤
Fichier Preparing Bank reconciliation+Example/19/5/2024
Fichier Entries from Bank reconciliation+ Solving P7-5(20/5/2024)
URL Solving P7_5 (21/5/2024)(8-9.30 section)
URL Solving p7_5/ 21/5/2024(11_12.30 section)
Fichier Completion of Solving P7-5 + E7-13+E7-12
URL E7_13+E7_12/(22/5/2024, 8_9.30 section)
URL E7_13+E7_12+p7_3(22/5/2024 11_12.30 section)
Chapter 8: Accounting for recievables Fichier PPT chapter 8
Fichier solution manual ch 8
Fichier Chapter 8 Accounting for Receivables
URL Introduction to receivables+recognizing A/R+solving E8-2+E8-3(a). 5/3/2024(8-9:30&2-3:30 sections)
URL E8-3+Valuing A/R , Direct write off method and allowance method. 6/3/2024(8:00-9:30 section)
URL E8-3(b)+ valuing A/R(Direct write off method,allowance method. 6/3/2024(2:00-3:30section)
URL Estimating the allowance/Percentage of receivable/8:00-9:30/10/3/2024
URL Estimating the allowance /Percentage of receivables/10/3/2024/(2:00-3:30)/
URL E8-4+Aging of Receivable.11/3/2024(8:00-9:30&2:00-3:30)
URL Disposing A/R(sale of A/R+ national credit card sales+E8-7+Introduction to N/R. 13/3/2024 (8:00-9:30&2:00-3:30 sections)
URL maturity period in days+computing interest+recognizing &valuing N/R+ Disposing of N/R.17/3/2024(8-9:30 section)
URL maturity period in days+computing interest+recognizing &valuing N/R+ Disposing of N/R.17/3/2024(2-3:30 section)
URL Dishonor of N/R. Accrued interest.E8_14.(18.3.2024)(8_9.30 section)
URL Disposing N/R.Accrued interest.E8_14. (18.3.2024)(2_3.30 sections)
Fichier E8-14&P8-7
URL E8-14 & P8-7. 19/3/2024(8-9:30 section)
URL E8-14 & P8-7. 19/3/2024(2-3:30 section)
Fichier Introduction to receivables +recognizing A/R+E8-2&E8-3(a)/26/5/2024
Fichier E8-3+Valuing A/R , Direct write off method and allowance method 27/5/2024
URL The allowance method+recovery of uncollectibles/28/5/2024(8_9.30&11_12.30 sections)
Fichier allowance method example+recovery+E8-4+Estimating the allowance+percentage of A/R+Aging receivables+E8-7(28/5/2024)
URL Estimating the allowance+ solving E8-4(29/5/2024) 8:00-9:30 section
Fichier Disposing A/R(sale of A/R+ national credit card sales+E8-7+Introduction to N/R. 3/6/2024
URL Introduction to note receivable+recognizing and valuing and disposing of N/R/4/6/2024(8_9.30&11_12.30 section)
Fichier Maturity period of notes in days+computing interest+recognizing and valuing and disposing notee
URL Disposing of N/R +E8_14(5/6/2024) (8_9.30&11_12.30 sections)
Fichier Dishonor(not expected to be collected+Accrued interest on note in 3 cases+ E8-14
Chapter 9: Plant assets, Natural resources and intangible asets Fichier PPT chapter 9
Fichier solution manual ch 9
URL Determining Cost of land,land improvement, building and equipment. 20/3/2024(8-9:30 section)
URL Determining Cost of land,land improvement, building and equipment. 20/3/2024(2-3:30 section)
URL Depreciation/Straight line method. 24/3/2024(8:00-9:30 &2:00-3:30 sections )
URL SLM part of year+units of activity method.25.3.2024(8;00-9:30&2:00-3:30)
URL Units of activity partial+declining balance method(full year+partial)+P9-1(26/3/2024)(8-9:30) section
URL Declining balance method(full year +partial)+P9-1+P9-2(26/3/2024)(2-3:30 section)
URL P9-2+Disposal of plant assets (retirement)27.3.2024(8-9:30 section)
URL Disposal of plant assets (retirement+sale) 27.3.2024(2-3:30 section)
URL Example (retirement partial)+Sale of plant asset+ Exchange of plant asset. 31/3/2024(8-9:30 section)
URL Exchange of plant assets+E9-6.31/3/2024(2-3:30 section)
URL Natural Resources+E9-14+ Solving P9-5. 1/4/2024(8-9:30 section)
Fichier Determining cost of land, land improvement, building and equipment 9/6/2024
Fichier Depreciation/SLM
Fichier SLM partial+units of activity+Declining balance+P9-1
URL Units of activity method+ declining balance(full year)/11/6/2024(8-9:30&11-12:30)
URL Declining balance method partial+ retirement of plant asset+sale of plant assets.12/6/2024(8_9.30&11_12.30 section)
Fichier P9-2+ disposal of plant assets (retirements)
Fichier example retirement partial+sale of plant assets
URL 13/6/2024, Exchange of plant Assets(8-9:30&11-12:30)محاضة التعويض
Fichier Exchange of plant assets
Solving exercises and problems /Chapter 6 URL BE6-1 & E6-1
URL E6-10
URL E6-11
URL Extra exercises on inventory
Solving Exercises and problems/Chapter 7 URL E7-8 & P7-3
URL Bank reconciliation ( adjusting entries) and exercises solutions ( E7-12 & E7-13)
URL P7-4
URL P7-5
URL P7-3 & P7-6
Solving exercises and problems/Chapter 8 URL E8-5 & E8-7
URL E8-8 & P8-1 & P8-3
URL E8-9 & E8-10
URL E8-12
Assignments Fichier Solution for Assignment No.1
Assignments URL P6-8 Perpetual
URL P6-8 Periodic
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