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Fichier Outline
URL Scheduled ZOOM link


 Attached is the  scheduled ZOOM link  for   all coming session 

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Topic One: Historical Background of Societies Fichier Health Culture and Society
Fichier Society

This chapter discuss the concept of society and the main characteristics 


  • Discuss the main characteristics of society 
  • Define society 
URL Society ; definition and characteristics

Dear Students 

 Attached is the recorded ZOOM link for today session   13/2/2024


Topic Two: Culture; Concept and Characteristics URL Topic 2 Culture ; concept and characteristics 2024


 Attached is the recorded linkfor today's session 15/2/2024 2-5 

Fichier Culture 2024


Study the attached PP File 

URL Culture Overview / video


See the attached link  and prepare some questions for discussion at classroom 


Fichier Culture and Health / other learning material


 Please read the attached file and use it in your assignment 

Topic Three: Health, Illness and Disease as Conceptual Tool URL Topic 3: Health , illness and disease / recorded link 2024


Attached is the recorded link for topic 3   2-5  18/3/2024  

URL Recorded link ; session 4 ...Health and disease ...continue


Attached is the recorded link for today's session on health, disease, and illness  2-5   20/2/2024

Fichier Health,Disease and Illness
Topic Four: The Culture Construction of Health, Disease and Illness Fichier The Culture Construction of Health, Disease and Illness
URL Recorded link 25/2/2024 Culture construction of health and disease


 Attached is the recorded link for today's session Sunday 25/2/2024 2-5 

Topic Five: Irrational Belief of Health and Disease Fichier Irrational Belief of Health and Disease

this topic discuss the  irrational beliefs in health and disease.... it discuss the religion , magic and other practices that assumes the causes of disease

 it also discuss different theories that explain causes of disease across cultures 


  • •Discuss  meaning of symbol 
  • •Recognize causes of disease in the culture context
  • •Reason religion beliefs in maintaining health
  • • Rationalize irrational beliefs in health and disease
  • •Analyze Models of Cultural Health Beliefs
  • •Discuss theories of disease
  • •Identify causes of disease within Palestinian culture and categories them according to models and theories of disease
URL Recorded link


Attached is the recorded link for today's session 19/3/2024

Topic Six: Stigma, Responsibility, and Blame Fichier Stigma, Responsibility, and Blame
URL Recorded link


Attached is the recorded link  24/3/2024

URL Recorded link


Attached is the recorded link  26/3/2024 

Topic Eight: The Challenge of Chronic Illness Fichier Chronic Disease

This chapter discuss the chronic disease in context of different culture; causes, treatment , prognosis ... 

Topic Nine: New Reproductive Technologies Fichier Reproductive Technologies
Impact of culture on health and death, dying and culture URL Recorded Link /presentation


Attached is the recorded link for today's session 3/3/2024 

Section 12 URL expressing pain and discomfort through culture


attached is the recorded link for today's presentation 

Section 13 URL Globalization and its effect on health and culture


 Attached is  the recorded link for today's presentations 12/3/2024   8-11

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