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مجلد Basics & Need to Know Common Sense

مجلد Text Books & Reading Materials
1. IS Global Business مجلد Learning Resources

Here you will find Some selected materials for you to read and reflect on ( Managing the Digitalresources Firm) in our effort to explain the importance of IT as an essential ingredient to success. also we hope to highlight the importance of clearly understanding the Strategic Role of IT on businesses today:

1- Revitalizing Business Process.

2- Improving the Decision Making Process.

3- Gaining and sustaining Competitive Position and Strategic Advantages.

In this chapter we will have a discussion regarding Nicolas Carr's published paper " IT doesn't Matter "

مجلد Zoom Meeting and Discussions

Learn more about building your e PORTFOLIO

مجلد Video, Cases, and MM

property and copyrights are all reserved for the authors...    What is MIS

Types of Info. Systems  IIMIS

ملف Ch1 Presentation
2 Global e-Bus Collaboration مجلد Learning Resources

Exploring the Impact of Social Media Globalization on Businesses 

Social media globalization has transformed how people and businesses around the world interact. Online connectivity has skyrocketed with the help of global platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and X, bringing obvious opportunities yet its own set of challenges. In this article, we will explore the impact of social media globalization and how businesses have been affected by the widespread use of social media platforms across the globe.

The Role of Social Media in Globalization 

Social media platforms have become a powerful tool to connect individuals, businesses, and communities, as well as facilitate the exchange of information, ideas, and cultures. With the rise of social media globalization, it has become easier for organizations to create and maintain international relationships with their customers, collaborators, and partners, by breaking down distance and language barriers. 

Social media globalization also comes with concerns about its potential negative impacts on individuals and businesses, as its potential to spread misinformation and exacerbate existing inequalities is at the forefront of the challenges businesses must consider.

Social Media Platforms Expanding Globally 

The global expansion of social media platforms makes them a powerful force in shaping global communication and culture. Platforms like Facebook, X, and Instagram are commonly used in many parts of the world, allowing individuals from diverse backgrounds and cultures to connect in real time. 

The global expansion of social media connectivity led to the creation of global communities where users can share ideas, experiences, and perspectives regardless of their physical location. For businesses, the rise of social media is changing the way they use platforms to connect with customers across the globe, and how they can expand their reach into new markets.

مجلد Zoom Meetings and Discussions

Types of IS  TPS, MIS, DSS, & EIS


Enterprise Applications:   ERP, SCM, CRM, KMS


2 2 Bus Processes and how they relate to IS                          -             Ch 2 2 Systems for Business Intelligence


Ch 2-2 Systems for Collaboration

The Role of Collaborative Culture, Social Business, and IS Dept. in Creating more Business VALUE and Benefts


Mobile Payment Systems   AliPay, WeChat

Business Intelligence BI    Enterprise Resource Planning    ERP

مجلد Study Cases


CASE 1 IS in Action: Vision X Lighting Grows with Business One

SUMMARY Vision X is a manufacturer of LED after-market lighting products for the automotive and commercial trucking markets. It has been growing at over 12% annually in the last  decade, and entered a number of new market segments for its products. With multiple products and markets, the firm outgrew its early reliance on spreadsheets and accounting packages to manage the business. It turned to SAP’s small and medium size business Enterprise Resource Planning system as a solution.

(a) Vision X Lighting’s Bright Future with SAP Business One

(b) SAP Business One in 60 Seconds

Integration of  ...  Business and Management functions to further improve performance and create value.


3 IS - Org - Mgmt - Strategy مجلد Zoom Meetings and Discussions

3-1 What is Organization   The Technical and the Behavioral Definition


3-2 Economical and Behavioral impact of IS on Organizations - Understanding Change Resistance مقاومة التطوير

مجلد Learning Resources

مجلد Industrial Internet of Things (IoT)

Digitizing in the Industrial Space.        Follow the link... McKensey & Co. 

why industrial companies are now in the information business—whether they like it or not.

مجلد 3-3 Porter's & Competitive Forces Model
Arguably, the most widely used model for understanding competitive advantage is Michael Porter’s competitive forces model. This model provides a general view of the firm, its competitors, and the firm’s environment. Earlier in this chapter,  we described the importance of a firm ’s environment and the dependence of firms on environments. Porter’s model is all about the firm’s general business environment. In this model, five competitive forces shape the fate of the firm.


نموذج القوى التنافسية الخمسة ل ميكل بورتر


  4 Information System Strategies for Dealing With Competitive Forces.

The 5 Competitive Forces Model

Value Chain Model

Synergies, Core Competencies and Network Economics

مجلد Business Value Chain Model

This section is one of the most critical sections in the text. Understanding business strategy and how information systems can aid employees in making far-reaching and deep-rooted decisions is critical to the long-range success of any corporation. At this point, students need to focus on business level strategies and the various ways firms achieve an advantage over other firms. They will learn how to use these strategies in order to address a key question: How can we compete effectively in a particular market? 

Business to You B2U
4 Ethical, Social and Legal Issues in IS مجلد Resources
5 IT Infrastructure - Emerging Tech. مجلد Zoom Meetings and Lectures

5-1 IT Infrastructure Definition and Evolution

5-2 IT Structure Technology Drivers

5-3 Technology Drivers of Infrastructure Evolution


Introducing IT Infrastructure - With Dareen

مجلد Learning Resources

MIS Bridgette Boyd, Thank you

مجلد HEROES .... The Future of IT Infrastructure

Learn More about HEROES The Future of IT Infrastructure at  Cognizan

As traditional businesses adapt to the realities of the new machine age, the implications for IT have been profound. The core differentiator for a successful busi­ness today rests on the readiness of its IT infrastructure — and an inflexible, sluggish, inefficient infrastructure poses a bigger competitive threat than any ingenious start-up or disruptive market force.

Companies with legacy technology architectures, therefore, face a dilemma: striking a balance between the present and future state of IT infrastructure. To learn more about the future needs of IT infrastructure, Cognizant’s Center for The Future of Work surveyed top IT executives at leading companies around the world, the majority of which have been in business for more than 15 years. Our objective was to gain insights into the changes leaders are experiencing in business priorities and IT mandates — and the impact on their orga­nization’s technology infrastructure. 

HEROES: The Future of IT Infrastructure

Based on our findings, we’ve developed a framework to help traditional businesses systematically move toward the new way of work for IT. Dubbed “HEROES,” the framework involves change in five areas, detailed below. Cutting across all five categories is the infusion of artificial intelligence (AI).

Hybrid cloud

A hybrid cloud strategy enables IT teams to select the right virtual infrastructure for each use case, introducing opportu­nities to improve agility, heterogeneity and scalability, while taking advantage of the existing manage­ment investment. Already, 32% of IT infrastructure and application workloads are hosted in a hybrid cloud setup, according to our study, and that will grow to 45% by 2020. Even more interesting, 55% of respondents said their new application investments will be in hybrid cloud.

Hybrid cloud signals a shift away from massive hardware structures and toward more flexible and agile soft­ware-based infrastructures. More than half of respondents (52%) plan to deploy new applications in cloud containers, a form of server-less computing that isolates software pro­cesses for dynamic workflows. Further, a microservices architecture will increasingly prevail, providing businesses with flexibility and agility. 

Edge computing

The speed and agility benefits of edge computing are so great that 35% of respondents believe that by 2020, IoT-created data will be stored and acted upon close to the edge of the network rather than in their centralized data centers. This represents a greater than 100% increase in interest in edge computing, from 17% today.

The need for real-time response will drive interest in edge computing. The introduction of machine learning to IoT will vastly accelerate the speed of intelligence; 55% of respondents plan to use machine learning to localize data analytics within an instrumented device. 

Robotic process automation

Within the next five years RPA will be essential for achiev­ing the levels of performance required in the digital economy. More than half (55%) of respondents are either piloting or planning to adopt RPA, while 10% are already applying automation to their core processes. (Read our recent blog RPA’s challenges.)

Rather than cost savings, respondents were even more interested in RPA’s positive impact on the end-user experi­ence. RPA will change IT infrastructure by simplifying IT complexities, augmenting IT infrastructure with AI capabilities and amplifying the human element of automation. 

Obsolescence of old IT systems

The relentless focus on lowering costs of maintaining legacy systems is actually slowing down IT in its mission to revamp customer experience. In fact, 47% of IT executives we interviewed feel that their teams are spending too much time on maintaining legacy infrastructure. Two questions can help guide businesses as they make the necessary move away from older IT assets: 

  • Do you own the infrastructure, or does infrastructure own you? IT departments need to be brutally honest in accepting which parts of the IT infrastructure are the major bottlenecks in becoming a digital business. 

  • Which part of your business can be transformed from a “we own” to a “we control” mindset to achieve a nearly unbeatable level of agility and scalability?

Enterprise security

As the digital economy expands, cybersecurity threats will multiply. Leaders know they are not fully prepared, with 55% of respondents admitting their security strat­egy is more reactive than proactive. 

In our study, 65% of exec­utives are planning to automate security infrastructure to instantly assess, verify, prioritize and assign all incoming alerts. Additionally, 73% plan to make use of cybersecurity applications with embedded intelligence that can detect threats proactively, identify stealthy malware, reconfigure network traffic to avoid attacks, inform automated software to close vulnerabilities before they are exploited, and mitigate large-scale cyberattacks with great precision. 

Enterprises that view IT as a costly overhead and not a competitive capability will struggle to succeed in the new machine age. Changing this mindset within IT, and then selling the idea to the rest of the company, will be both a challenge and an oppor­tunity for CIOs. (See our series on the “Digital CIO” for additional insights.) Business and technology leaders that seize this moment of change will have a front-row seat to the shift in IT value far into the future.

For the full report, read “The Future of IT Infrastructure.” For more information, visit us at our website, http://www.futureofwork.com/about

6 Business Intelligence مجلد Learning Resources

Introducing Ch6 Business Intelligence   Database & Info. Management

 Bridgette Boyed

5 top BI Tools:

Comparing BI Tools

Power BI  vs Tableau

مجلد zoom Meetings and Lectures


مجلد Hitachi Business Solution

BI: is at TOOL (IS),  helps us to making the right DECISIONS at the right TIME.

 How BI helps us make the right decision?

- Data Collection جمع البيانات, Data Integration ترابطها , Data Analysis تحليل البيانات, Data Presentation.

There are many definitions for Business Intelligence, or BI. To put it simply, BI is about delivering relevant and reliable information to the right people at the right time with the goal of achieving better decisions faster. If you wanna have efficient access to accurate, understandable and actionable information on demand, then BI might be right for your organization. For more information, contact Hitachi Solutions Canada (canada.hitachi-solutions.com).

Hitachi Solutions Canada

9 Operational Excellence & Customer Intimacy مجلد Learning Resources

مجلد Zoom Meetings, Lectures, & Video Case

                               Operational Excellence ERP, SCM, CRM



                    Supply Chain Management System  SCM


                        Customers Relations Management System



Maersk Line: Using the Internet of Things, Data, and Analytics to Change Their Culture and Strength


13 Building IS مجلد Learning Resource

مجلد Recorded Lectures -- Videos

مجلد Video Case IBM Bus. Process Management BPM

IBM: BPM in a Service-Oriented Architecture


This case describes a business process management approach to automating and managing the claims flow process in an insurance company using tools available in a service oriented architecture (SOA). Illustrates business process management and system building in a contemporary, service-oriented architecture environment.

Find and read the PDF file case below ... in the file section.

مجلد Video Case IBM Helps the City of Madrid With Real-Time BPM Software

CASE 2 IBM Helps the City of Madrid With Real-Time BPM Software


After the terrorist attack in Madrid, Spain, in 2004, the City worked with IBM’s business process management software to develop a single, coordinated emergency response center

Check the PDf file to read the full case

مجلد Opening Case Smooth Work-Flow at Moen Co.

New System Help Work Flow more smoothly at Moen Manufacturing Company

Moen manufactures and sells a wide range of kitchen and bath products, including sinks, showerheads, and numerous accessories. New products are constantly being launched, and each requires numerous capital expense requests throughout the product development process.

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